Akatsuki no Yona - Vol. 35 Ch. 200 - No Time left

May 18, 2020
I missed Hak so much, yessss. Being all sneaky and smart, I see you. I wonder what's gonna happen~
Jul 24, 2020
I'm crying so f*cking loud
I missed Hak and Yona so much and this is what Kusanagi-sensei brings to us?! how dare you, woman?! stop making us suffer
and even Kei-shuk thinks that Yona is the only one who can deal with a war right now, she's the one who can unify the tribes and brings the victory to Kouka. OUR GIRLLL! *_*
ps: thank you so much for the fast release!


Jan 23, 2018
I really hope they just don't randomly forgive Soo Won because he's sick.
Apr 6, 2020
I think that Soo Woon being a sort of simpatetic villian makes the story interesting. If it was a he's bad we will have revenge story only it would not be such a great story. I think that this part of the manga is really complicated as soo won actions are tied between the villian and the sick guy who rushed things. Of course killing people is bad yet the fact that him becoming the king was good for the country military strengh can't be denied either. The gray morality of his character makes the story rather unusual for your typical shoujo.

Of course having a fitting end for him is probably the most complicated part of the manga. While what happens to other characters may change more easily (I'm not getting into the ship wars that's up to you) Soo woon character is rather difficult to work with probably.


Power Uploader
Jun 5, 2018
I kinda find myself hoping Soo-Won will get through this illness, or at least find a way to reduce the pain symptoms and/or prolong the life time he has left, so that he may keep being the king even on the battlefield. Maybe that new herb stuff Yoon and that other doctor guy were talking about some chapters ago will serve to that purpose.

And not because i approve of Soo-Won actions or anything, his actions were always questionable and aggressive, and that recent flashback only reinforced the notion that his drive and motivation come more from personal reasons than actual care for the country. Him being the final antagonist for Yona and the bunch would be a perfect conclusion for the story.
Jul 30, 2020
Soo won is literally my favourite character from the manga. I don't know how people cannot realize that killing Il was reasonable decision from his point - as we saw in previous chapters Yona's father wasn't entirely good person either. Not that I think Soo won killing the king was a morally good action, of course it wasn't. Nevertheless imagine that your uncle kills your idolized dad when you are just a kid, you think that he also mad your mum suffer. Then he is the only family you have left and treats you coldly and widens the distance between the two of you. Additionally his reign is leads your country to ruin - while the father you loved wanted it to become strong. Who in his place wouldn't hate king Il to their core? Like, really, just think about it...
Sep 16, 2019
Look at yall calling yona annoying again LMAO. dont you guys know that if any finds out about soo won's health they could be executed?? it's not that she doesn't trust her companions, she's looking out for them in her own way. THIS is her development. This is how SHE is going to take control of the situation. God everytime yall switch up with yona it pisses me off, the author isnt gonna throw away years of writing for her to be out of character
Sep 16, 2019
god piss off if you don't like the story anymore. Literally the author is bUILDING THE MOMENT THAT WILL LEAD UP TO WHAT WE ARE WAITING FOR. stop reading this if you don't appreciate the building of character and tension in this story. this isn't for you. out of here with your "story wasn't good as 4-5 years ago" bs
Apr 4, 2020
I love this manga but I was going to start reading it again after it ended- how close are we? Or is this a skip beat esque situation lol
Mar 28, 2020
@Rozzak I don't really think you understand what is going on in the story right now. The people of the kingdom LIKE soo-won, they don't know that he killed the previous king. He has done good things for the kingdom so far and that's all the citizens care about. On the other hand, people don't know anything about Yona. They may even see her as a spoiled brat. Also, it's not in Yona's character to become queen in the way you have described.

Anyways, if you remember, Kija has said something along the lines of not being able to hate soo-won in the past chapters. Honestly, that's how I feel about him too, I can't really hate or like him. Yona doesn't have the upper-hand, along with the dragons. They are basically prisoners disguised as "special guests". If Yona steps out of line, that dumb advisor would probably not hesitate to do something to the dragons/Hak. And if the dragons/Hak step out of line, yeah...vice versa.

You should probably just wait for what happens, I think the story is going perfectly well so far. If you're not enjoying it, then drop this story lmao.
Aug 10, 2020
@NightQueen I think it makes sense that the story is worse now than it was years ago, it's like we've entered the associative stage nowadays, rather than the cognitive era from before.


Active member
Mar 24, 2019
People must be real idiots to believe that the plot has died down. The only reason I'm still reading this AND look forward to reading this is because it's still as good as when it first started.
It's definitely a personal opinion. But if you want a cliche revenge story go look at other stuff. Don't come here with the same expectations.
This manga is way more intricate in its characters and storytelling than just plain hero vs villain.

Hak was the closest to Soo won that's why he feels more betrayed and angered. Doesn't mean the readers must be as well 🤣.
Sep 16, 2019
@PostImpressionism no that doesn't make any sense. You say that this is the "associative stage" when in reality I would say that the events transpiring here is the building blocks to the moment that we all have been waiting for. Not going to lie, I don't understand your use of the term "cognitive era" here? If you mean to tell me that the story before had more information and content to allow for a better flow then I would have to disagree. WE did not go through these last few chapters to say that we don't have enough content to create strong story. Just sitting down and calling the rising action of any story "weaker" than the rest of the story shows a person's lack of appreciation for a good written story. By all means, this doesn't mean it makes you lesser than other readers, it just means this isn't the story for you. I suggest you read other stories that are more action driven than a story that relies on good writing to strengthen future events.
Jun 3, 2019
I think people are just starting to get impatient. We all want to see a happy YonaxHak married with 4 dragons happy by their side. But we also all know the story is much more complicated and I think some fear that the longer the story the poorer the ending might be....we all have tons of examples.

Ps: I miss Lily, I was so eager for some Yona×Lily×Soo Won interaction.
Sep 16, 2019
@selendom I get that, and I also would like to see a happy ending. However, I personally believe this story needs to be long in order the strengthen and solidify every character's personality. I would like to know more about everyone's story and their journey to the ending rather than have it just end happily. This is probably a more personal opinion and I get that people will get impatient. I just hate it when people call moments like this "boring" or "worse than before" because it diminishes the author's efforts to deliver a well written story.

Ps: I also miss her :'') she is a very enjoyable character.

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