Lol. Poor Soo-Won. When he finally found someone else who knows what that hideous migraine feels like, and to know there is still a clan out there, to also see them all sadly obsessed for power just for the sake of it. After all, what's the point of exercising a right when you don't even know what it means to rule.
Mei-Nyan is... intense. She's indeed the loudest character by far in this manga. What a scary face. I imagine the Senjuuso being offered to her as well so she can finally calm down. At this point, Senjuuso feels like Chamomile, lol.
@Evil_Twin Thank you!
FYI, Soo-Won has consistently dismissed the need or desire for the dragons ever since he met them. Ref Ch 122 when Zeno asks him, "Do you desire the dragons?", and he flatly says, "No, not at all." He hates all things "divine" or "non-earthly", quite like his father.
Rather than weird, throughout the story, Soo-Won has been trying to represent the human race, in a land that has been interfered by the Gods. That's his intention with wanting to be king, and showing what a human king can accomplish, by his own doings. That's what Yu-Hon represented to him, the same way that he hoped Il could show Kouka what he as a human could do, but failed since he relied on divine intervention. And he knows that humans are flawed, and he is flawed, but even through that it's decisions that he himself has consciously made. He's continuously dismissed the need for the dragons power or any dependence on it.
He hates Hiryuu (not Yona, and to him it's just an unfortunate inconvenience that Yona is supposedly a reincarnation too) with a vengeance for having interfered with the kingdom when noone really asked for it. And the fact that even if Hiryuu wanted to intervene, it wasn't a one-time effort, but something that has continued endlessly and needlessly through the dragons, ever since he descended. Even more so, since the irony of it all is that he himself is plagued by the Crimson Illness, something of the "divine". He's dying faster too, and it's probably taking a stronger toll on him because while the clan believes it all serves a purpose and being the rightful owners yada-yada, Soo-Won has been denying his very being as a Hiryuu descendent and rebelling within to side with his human father.