Akuma Koujo

Feb 17, 2023
Um, I recommend to read the web novel cuz you will not know what just happened but I know what happened here but I won't spoil it cuz its gud and I have read this once and currently re-reading all of this again, it is also up to you if you guys if you wanna wait for the manga to be translated cuz you guys don't like reading text and for those who are interested here's the link.

Link: https://www.novelupdates.com/series/demon-noble-girl-story-of-a-careless-demon/
Active member
Jun 25, 2020

Still tho, they started on the Earth instead on the Spirit Realm, but it's better since we'll see Yuzu and Yurushia~
Dex-chan lover
Nov 11, 2019
So the art looks like it is from the 80s for some reason. And they chose a weird place to start like at volume 5. And the fact that kyoji was killed by zombies and not thrown into the void means they dont plan to do the next volume...

Are they trying to ruin it intentionally? Quite sad considering this is one of the best rated jp web novels
Group Leader
Apr 26, 2020
So the art looks like it is from the 80s for some reason. And they chose a weird place to start like at volume 5. And the fact that kyoji was killed by zombies and not thrown into the void means they dont plan to do the next volume...

Are they trying to ruin it intentionally? Quite sad considering this is one of the best rated jp web novels
They can handwave Kyoji dieing since they never actually showed him getting killed. Personally I feel like the art looks like something out of a Shoujo...which makes sense when you consider the source.

But yeah..them starting in the middle of the story and then cutting out and moving around a lot of the story out as well makes the manga a bit confusing. But we DID also get a LN version which seems to be doing the story justice and is selling at least decently https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/春の日びより-ebook/dp/B0B214451Y/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=悪魔公女&qid=1679907958&sr=8-2
Dex-chan lover
Aug 11, 2018
holy shit one of the first WNs i read back in high school got a manga, the only issue besides the shoddy translations are the description talks about part one where this starts a decent way into part 2
Jun 17, 2020
Why the f*ck did the mangaka cut out the good half of this story.... or is this just a sequelified second part?
The pacing feels all wrong becuse we haven't even been introduced to the black and gold cats, the actual main characters in the original. Instead we get an amesiac gold cat in a dumb highschool girl body with absolutely no context. This skips the whole unreincarnation arc, and makes it look like they cut out all the fantasy elements from the original.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 11, 2018
What the fuck no wonder it felt familiar, it is the golden demon story. Idk why it started like that, almost made it looks like different story
Active member
Jun 22, 2018
wtf, I was like "This story seems strangely familiar" while I was reading this, I didn't realize it was skipping so much of the WN like that.
Jun 14, 2023
So this story seems interesting and I've heard quite a lot of good stuff about it, but before I start the WN can someone tell me if Yuzu is actually "evil" at some point. Like does her alignment sway more towards lawful.- neutral.- or chaotic-evil? I know I'm asking to be spoiled but it would help me to decide if I want to start reading right now.
Jun 22, 2023
the hell is this shit, why'd they do my girl yurushia/yuzu like that. was one of the first novels i read and my eyes popped when i saw it had an adaptation on novelupdates. but damn dude, if this ain't disappointing...
Jun 22, 2023
So this story seems interesting and I've heard quite a lot of good stuff about it, but before I start the WN can someone tell me if Yuzu is actually "evil" at some point. Like does her alignment sway more towards lawful.- neutral.- or chaotic-evil? I know I'm asking to be spoiled but it would help me to decide if I want to start reading right now.
technically she's considered evil, but a lot of the reason of why you root for her is that she mostly does harm against other evil dudes and rarely do good people get actually hurt cuz of her actions. so i would more say she's a true neutral/ neutral evil. a very "don't tread on me" and "i do what i want" mindset, like most japanese protags. though it's not that she's opposed to hurting innocents, it's more that she benefits more from hurting evil people than she does good. a protagonist i'd compare her to is ainz ooal gown from overlord, in that sense.
Group Leader
Apr 26, 2020
the hell is this shit, why'd they do my girl yurushia/yuzu like that. was one of the first novels i read and my eyes popped when i saw it had an adaptation on novelupdates. but damn dude, if this ain't disappointing...
I..can't disagree, I AM still enjoying it, but I have no idea why they made the choices they did. It seems like the Japanese fans agree, because the rating for the manga isn't that great and the sales aren't the best. I'm hoping that the LN sells well enough that we get either a 1. New Manga adaption or 2. An Anime adaption that actually adapts it right

The one good thing is that the LN -does- seem to be selling pretty well, I can't find at exact metrics on it, but the LNs seem to be doing fairly well based on the amount of Amazon reviews they have gotten so it seems likely it will get picked up for an English translation.
Active member
Aug 2, 2023
This is weird even for a person who read web novel. Maybe because I haven't finish it
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
So this story seems interesting and I've heard quite a lot of good stuff about it, but before I start the WN can someone tell me if Yuzu is actually "evil" at some point. Like does her alignment sway more towards lawful.- neutral.- or chaotic-evil? I know I'm asking to be spoiled but it would help me to decide if I want to start reading right now.
I'd rather say chaotic neutral. Demons are quite nasty, but they are necessary for the world, and often they are just following their own desires (instinct) rather than just doing stuff for the evulz. In fact, if clear menaces for the world as a whole (ie. Not just its sentient overlords) appear, demons will immediately react to those with hostility.
The world itself has some sort of awareness, and relies on demons to purge anything that is actively corroding it. If the damage goes over its threshold, it may even decide to create a true demon lord to purge everything and start from scratch.
As a final addendum, worlds without demons also tend to not have spirits either, because both are sustained by belief. At the end of this arc, the fear of demons causes spirits to slowly re-emerge as well on that world that is implied to be an alternate Earth.
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Fed-Kun's army
Mar 17, 2023
Am I tripping? Cuz I clearly remember reading the manga adaptation of Yurushia arc.

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