Akumade Amai Watashi no Kanojo - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - A Love too sweet

Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
Well there is nothing to soften. I guess authors intent was to lessen the succubus factor by making her demi-human but she fucks everyone left and right anyway so i was kinda questioning the purpose. Bold way to debut your yuri manga.
I know, I replied like that half as a joke lol.
As for what else you said, I looked again at the chapter, I belive you got the time-line wrong, basically:
  1. After-work drink party
  2. Everyone goes home
  3. Lily goes to Amai home and stay a while
  4. Next day Amai finds out about the guys drama + Lily quit
So she didn't sleep with the guys that day.
Hypothesis, she was already fucking around with the three guys, they might or not know about it, either way Lily quit and whatever she told them is why none went to work next day.

I'm assuming the mangaka idea is to show that yes, Lily really did sleep around because she likes to taste guys vitality / love, but Amai love for her is just so superior that it literally made her completely stop caring about guys.

Amai really did purify Lily from her hetness :dogkek:
Hypothesis, Lily will for the first time experience actual real love thanks to Amai, and realize none of the guys ever actually loved her.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 2, 2020
If it was enough to ruin my enjoyment I wouldn’t have put it in my PtR in the first place. But since my enjoyment scales with the yuri, I’ll read 100% yuri series before I consider reading the 99% or lower ones.
As for the quality, I already told you it’s subjective, so whether you understand the fact that less yuri makes for a worse story in my eyes or not, I have made my point.

It lessens the yuri relative to other stories without bisexuality, which is why I’ll always prioritize those other stories first.
So at the end of the day youre just biphobic lol
Dex-chan lover
Feb 27, 2024
Oh boy, i hope Mai has a happy end waiting for her she's just too precious.
Thanks for the translation! And man the redraws were also amazing! Looks like it will be a fun series.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2023
i was kinda questioning the purpose.
It makes it a choice, not a need. You can't fault a human for eating, you can't fault a succubus that needs sex to live for finding sex. By making it a way she can feed, magically, but not something that's required to sustain herself, it becomes something she must choose to do, not something required for her survival.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 10, 2023
This looks great imo. Hopefully Lily can get to be happy doing feeding off Mai only.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2019
a very fun premise, thank you for picking this up.

also the comments are wild, didn't expect so much hate towards the succubus for wanting to fool around.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 25, 2023
Sweet! another GL story about demon x human with beverage(I think) theme. The other one I know is ogre with beer.

Mai is pure Yuri mc, and Lily is mai's love interest. Thou, after confession Lily think Mai is a buffet, not partner ...it's kinda bittersweet. Lol

Its a good first chapter. Want to see more since I like this kind of art style.
Sep 18, 2020
So she doesn't necessarily need to feed but she fucks every dude who had a crush on her (should be ALOT of dudes) anyway because she likes to taste their "greed"? Did i get that right? Did she fuck the other three before or after she kissed the MC?
Do we know she fucked them? She seems to be able to feed without actual sex involved (which doesn't seem to be that uncommon in less-porn-adjacent succubus manga, not sure about western traditions), so maybe they just had a makeout session?

Though, to be honest, if you're reading a story with a succubus (even a half succubus) as one of the MCs it seems a bit silly to stress about sexual promiscuity - that's pretty much the whole point of a succubus. A story with an innocent and pure love interest is pretty much exclusively about taming/purifying the succubus with the power of love, but even then the succubus (generally) doesn't stop being an actual literal sex-demon who needs to feed on human vitality somehow, they just end up feeding exclusively on the love interest.

The half-succubus not needing to feed that way is a minor twist, but not even a particularly big one, since feeding on vitality seems to be just as sensual an experience for a succubus as feeding on regular food is for a human - no one would fault a human who's eating for pleasure as much as for satiety, why would you fault a succubus for the same?

Anyway . . . a story with an actual literal sex-demon where said actual literal sex-demon has lots of sex really shouldn't be surprising, and unless the story has the actual literal sex-demon as a definitely evil thing then it seems a bit silly to be all "bad sex-demon, you shouldn't be having so much sex" . . .
Sep 18, 2020
It makes it a choice, not a need. You can't fault a human for eating, you can't fault a succubus that needs sex to live for finding sex. By making it a way she can feed, magically, but not something that's required to sustain herself, it becomes something she must choose to do, not something required for her survival.
From a story perspective I think it's mostly to make it easier for the Power of Love(tm) to purify away the succubus part (or at least, purify away enough of it to get the desired romantic ending - I expect the "loves sex" part will still be there, just exclusively focused on Mai).

I personally hope the romance is about both of them learning to love one another without demanding changes to their nature - I'm not a fan of stories that treat succubus as evil simply because they don't operate by "normal" human rules of morality.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2023
I personally hope the romance is about both of them learning to love one another without demanding changes to their nature - I'm not a fan of stories that treat succubus as evil simply because they don't operate by "normal" human rules of morality.
We agree. It'd be supremely uninteresting if this is ultimately about how she needs to give up on her nature as a succubus.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 21, 2023
as a bisexual girl, these comments r acc making my brain rot, not every sexuality there is is gay/lesbian. please educate yourself, yuri/gl is still the same if one of the female mc's is bi. same with bl/yaoi.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
I love watching yuri fans prove they don't deserve yuri for the 800th time

makes me feel all is right in the world :wooow:
Active member
Nov 22, 2019
…this girl really needs to set some boundaries for herself, she’s letting any pretty girl take advantage of her. Someone please help her 😭
Dex-chan lover
May 18, 2023
Told she needs to find someone who will truly love her, ends up with a succubus who slept with all her coworkers and is only interested in her because of her sweets
Active member
Mar 23, 2024
Holy fuck she kissed some guys offscreen with 2 panels dedicated to acknowledging the repercussions why are so many ppl getting their panties in a twist. I like that she kissed those guys its another point of contrast between regular shmegular dudes and The Sweetest Girl Ever. Female only bubbles work sometimes but having guys exist is kinda crucial to the immersion of this being a normal world with one wierd succugal. Also kissing those guys showcased that despite not needing to consume vitality, she LIKES TO and is the type that doesn't care about the consequences.
Sep 13, 2020
Straight out the gate has 2 huge issues: MC uses the "I'm not a lesbian I just end up liking girls" line and trope. Which is trash tier.

Additionally has the other Love Interest MC sleeping with men. So off to a terrible Yuri start and incapable of being truly masterpiece level.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 2, 2019
as a bisexual girl, these comments r acc making my brain rot, not every sexuality there is is gay/lesbian. please educate yourself, yuri/gl is still the same if one of the female mc's is bi. same with bl/yaoi.
Nope, it's fucking garbage. Bisluts ruin everything they touch.

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