Akuyaku Reijou no Tsuihougo!

Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2019
Lmao, people are actually having a fit over this. The dude is a motherfucking PRINCE. Not like they can kill him - even if they did to make it look like an accident, they would be both tried for "failing to save the royalty". The only way of solving this was that shaky reconciliation.
Apr 23, 2020

That last chapter is...not how you handle sexual assault. OR attempted murder!! I understand that power dynamics are messed up as @SuperRadi mentioned but the issue is that they essentially portrayed it as 'no big deal!'. This is a bullshit message to put out there. Even if the individual can't be held accountable in the fictional world, there needs to be a mention of how NOT OKAY his actions were
Oct 12, 2019
i mean yeah it's not okay but are there any other options? especially if the prince is still infatuated with Elizabeth? while disappointing, it's understandable
Aug 11, 2018
someone tries to kill you... have dinner with her...

i was such a nice read till now...
Feb 4, 2018

Lmao, people are actually having a fit over this. The dude is a motherfucking PRINCE. Not like they can kill him - even if they did to make it look like an accident, they would be both tried for "failing to save the royalty". The only way of solving this was that shaky reconciliation.

Lot of people here really can't think, and just focus on "muh rape!!!!!!!".
Like you said, he is a prince, who is very, VERY LOVED by his parents. If something happen to him because of our main characters, they would both get the Death penalty + same for all of their relatives + all of theirs possessions taken.
It's not modern time, not everyone is equal in right.

Yeah, it's awful, yeah, this prince is utter trash and should never be forgiven.
The only thing to do was to ignore him, and avoid him as much as you can in the future.

Or Leonid and Elizabeth could just get married, then no one else could try to get between them.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 24, 2018
not the absolute most insulting portrayal of attempted rape i've seen in a villainess reincarnation manga so i'll give it that
Mar 10, 2019
Pretty tastless last chapter. Who cares about more love rivals. Focus on the cute stuff with the knight guy.
Mar 15, 2019
@Siquall I don't think it's about not punishing him but the interactions and reactions of the characters.
You thought you murdered someone and he then appears behind you with a buster sword and you are totally chill? What about Leonid, who's seeing how the man that tried to kill him is also trying to rape the woman he loves? The comical reactions of the protagonist to the whole rape ordeal? And of course, the resolution to an attempted murder and rape is quick, clean and simple for all parties involved.

I know this is supposed to be a light read, but in my opinion it's played too light, don't bother with this kind of stuff if you are not going to give it the importance it has.
May 26, 2020
Finally updated! And then... What? He gets off from that scot-free? Even if he is a prince, not only did he try to murder the head of the royal knights, he also attempted rape of a nun of the church.

And you’re telling me you’re letting him go? A literal ticking time bomb that has already gone off once? What?

Such a shame. It was a great read up until 15 and 16.

What a waste.

Thank you to the people that allowed us to keep reading. I’m sorry that the writer dropped the script into a bucket of shit. Feels like such a waste of your hard work.

I’ll give it a chance with next chapter. If this is the new standard for the writing i’ll just have to drop this...
May 23, 2020
I think because Elisabeth still sees the people around her as game characters,
she doesn’t think they’re real people and therefor it’s easy to forgive and brush off crazy prince’s attempted rape, since it’s part of the ‘plot’. She keeps referring back to ‘flags’ and ‘scenes’ from the game after all. Shit like saying ‘don’t fight over me’ or whatever even works. The Knight guy has always been a weirdo. I guess he can brush off attempted murder if Elisabeth isn’t mad about it? IDK. For a second there I thought the crazy prince was actually going to die. Too bad. The little shit should have had his head ripped off.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 24, 2018
ymmv but for me
that prize goes to ch11 of 'I'm a Villainous Daughter, so I'm going to keep the Last Boss'. It's the typical attempted rape/male lead rescue bit but it's such a dark fucking scene to pull the usual 'female mc is too nice to be bothered by attempted rape and gets over it immediately' trope.

if you wanna look lol -> https://mangadex.org/chapter/770546/25

the mc is stripped, punched and she despairs at the thought of the male lead thinking she's "damaged" (mangaka uses the image of a wilted rose.. very subtle). compare that to this manga, elizabeth is only ever thinking about what route this guy is on and then worrying about an international incident so the way she immediately gets over it is comparatively much less batshit insane.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2019
lol as someone who grew up in the bible belt seeing the word "church food" in a manga title made me laugh out loud.

Put on yo Sunday dress cuz we gon eat soul food baby! lmao
Jun 25, 2020
You've got to be kidding me with chapter 16

While @darewin has a point, if the next chapter doesn't even bother to show us the perspectives of Leo and Elisabeth for why they were able to brush that off so easily, this sets a really problematic precedent for the plot in the future..

@Siquall I mean, I get the argument that he's a prince and all, but to say Elisabeth is completely fine after what happened is unbelievable to me - at least acknowledge the fact that she was in an extremely dangerous situation and that if she doesn't do anything now, the same situation would just repeat itself if the prince wanted?

It's just that I feel like if the manga was trying to introduce an emotionally volatile character in a light-hearted manner, then involving
a rape scene with barely any subtlety
is unnecessarily dark and the aftermath heavily takes away from my suspension of disbelief
Double-page supporter
May 5, 2020
I appreciate the content warnings in the past couple chapters, it's always nice to know what you're getting into.
Oct 27, 2020
... What? I get that the main character still sees the world around her as a game -- and therefore doesn't see the people in it as real people -- but still. How could the author brush that off in such a comical manner? I love seeing male yanderes in manga but the way they pulled this off was a little sloppy.

I still love the main character and the knight so I'm still here ... ;w;
Oct 30, 2020
They brushed off the rape way too easily. I understand how the MC thinks that this is just a game with flags and all, but like the comment section was saying, the way they just excused the assault was frustrating. Also, MC is clearly uncomfortable with the prince's sexual advances, and I don't enjoy the way she's just letting it go and moving on. Although, to be fair, she can't do much and like people mentioned the guy is the prince of the kingdom.

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