Alcohol and Ogre-girls - Vol. 4 Ch. 23

Power Uploader
Feb 27, 2018

Oh yeah, that's the stuff. :meguupog:
Aggregator gang
May 14, 2023
Dancing to imitate humans? That's silly. She can communicate—just as her family can—in the same way as humans. Heck, she looks exactly like a person except for the horns. This manga's great but I don't like this distance they seem to put between the ogres and humans. They treat them like they're so dissimilar to us that even dancing is just learned to imitate people—which is absurd. There are important differences but not to that extent. From what I've seen, ogres and humans are relatively similar, with a few key differences.

If humans weren't around would they still have the same interest in dancing, etc.? I'd say yes.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2023
This is such a good story and I love the way they always solved their issues through communication with each other. Such a realistic relationship can't wait for the day they kiss or get together when I'm already squeeling and kicking my feet just watching them flirt around each other. That dance is so smooth though got me wide awake in the middle of the night
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2023
Dancing to imitate humans? That's silly. She can communicate—just as her family can—in the same way as humans. Heck, she looks exactly like a person except for the horns. This manga's great but I don't like this distance they seem to put between the ogres and humans. They treat them like they're so dissimilar to us that even dancing is just learned to imitate people—which is absurd. There are important differences but not to that extent. From what I've seen, ogres and humans are relatively similar, with a few key differences.

If humans weren't around would they still have the same interest in dancing, etc.? I'd say yes.
Like I'd say that's kind of exactly the point being made here, they aren't so different. But the ogres cling onto their power and lineage so strongly that they refuse to view themselves as more similar than they are different.

It's not easy for a caged ogre to socialize but that's not because they're so inherently different but because of the weight of centuries of this family refusing to let its people be people, which also loops back to how positions in this family are named after Shuten-Doji's because they cannot accept that they aren't uncompromisingly on top of the world anymore.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Another fantastic chapter. Their relationship is great and filled with fight. I love the developing plot and lore around shuten-doji. It adds so much to the narrative and gives their relationship a natural impetus for advancement (making it easier to avoid typical tropes). Plus the other characters are very interesting and the pacing is smooth. Currently a favorite. Looking forward to the developing adventure
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Dancing to imitate humans? That's silly. She can communicate—just as her family can—in the same way as humans. Heck, she looks exactly like a person except for the horns. This manga's great but I don't like this distance they seem to put between the ogres and humans. They treat them like they're so dissimilar to us that even dancing is just learned to imitate people—which is absurd. There are important differences but not to that extent. From what I've seen, ogres and humans are relatively similar, with a few key differences.

If humans weren't around would they still have the same interest in dancing, etc.? I'd say yes.
They're similar now as they are, restricted, monitored and forced to blend in but that doesn't mean they all like having to act and look this way. It seems most of them had to practice their human-like behavior at some point. Plus "looking human" doesn't mean much, since culture and values create the most difference. They have to hide their culture and act in ways they do not generally appreciate, while hiding their true forms. They're also living in places they've mentioned they would rather not. I'm sure it was mentioned that the city and this building is not their natural or preferred habitat (likely done on purpose by the humans). All to say that their differences now are likely compressed because of the circumstances.
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