Amano Megumi wa Suki Darake! - Vol. 14 Ch. 135 - School trip arc Part 7: Please...

Jun 26, 2018
It was the expected result. The guy is still conflicted on his feelings and the girl is not aggressive in the least when it comes to their relationship. It's going to take something happening between the studious girl (forgot her name lol) and MC for anything to truly progress with Megumi. I just wonder- why did you guys expect anything more that more of the same? Your fault, not the author's...
Dex-chan lover
Aug 11, 2018
@jtpetino @PTRB can’t agree more. The other girl is a cherished memory and “the eraser” is his study-morale-boost.
Probably the eraser itself will be the key to their relationship: once he’ll discover the truth, Manabu will call himself a stupid for not understanding who really was cheering for him all this time, he will understand that his wasn’t love but idolization of that person -his “embodiment of perfect studies”- and stop thinking about her.

And in the end, he’ll still go to Todai, but for his own purpose of being a great person that can take care of Amano.

When? Mh...maybe, near the end of the third year of school, just after the moment they realize they’re going to be separated OR happy because Manabu could successfully enter Todai via studies and Amano via kendo.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2018
135 chapter for nothing, might as well come back for the 200th chapter if this garbage keeps on publishing see if they fuck or not
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2018
Thanks was a cute chapter don't you agree guy-

*cue autistic screeching on the comment section*
And I see cucklords found their way from doujins to this series.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
gotta hate maa-kun sometimes. If Amano went first the chapter would have been better, but the manga probably would end sooner
Active member
May 21, 2018
I remembered reading the first page of this and dropping it because it was obviously garbage and found it today after it updated so I picked a chapter in the 8 part school trip arc to see if any progression was ever made. of course it wasn't lol. I swear japan produces more trash per capita than any other nation and it's all in the form of manga ideas
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2018
@OniBarubary: i can half-agree.
Its true that a "i dont want our relationship to change" sounds a lot like the typical "i like you as a friend". A sweet way to reject someone. Actually, thats exactly what the glasses girl understands after Megumi told her what happened, that her friend has been dumped.
But if you take into consideration all the conversation you can also see it as a "i've been watching you, right now im not sure of my feelings, lets see how things change as time goes by". From Megumis reaction i think thats what she understood and thats why she didnt wanna confess, because it would be like forcing him to take a decision when he just asked for a timeout xD
Dex-chan lover
Mar 8, 2019
This absolute baller, this god among men, this new (well not new, but properly introduced) guy is great! Joins in with the plans because he thinks it's fun, and just straight up confesses his feelings without any wavering. I hope we get to see more of this new pair.
Double-page supporter
Jan 21, 2019
One giant step backward for mankind. Or at least M&M.
But MMK's work was not in vain since another couple formed. :)
Mar 14, 2019
This is stupid because Megumi is thinking that him being wrong about who left him the eraser is good for them when they could have been legitimately together. If he was thinking she was a pain all this time keeping him from studying what would he think once he finds out she knows the truth and didn't tell him. He very well could have been studying and going to cram school with while working part time. Imagine he gets into Todai and Mikawa tells him he is mistaken. It would literally kill him.
Dec 20, 2019
Wow so nobody said anything about the other guy's confession at the end? Well I was disappointed too that they didn't confess but cmon. That ending to this arc is perfect. And we even got a new couple at the end
Apr 5, 2023
For the first time, out loud, to each other, there's an acknowledgment from the both of them that there's a relationship, not just a "friendship", and that there could be more of that relationship to develop. Considering we've spent a hundred and thirty chapters in "I-it's Not Like That" land, this is heavy fucking progress. But it's not an unnatural level of progress.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Well I had no hopes and as I thought, we got the essential reset progress to 0 trope here. Sure they are more aware of each other but whats the point if they are playing the "Just be friends" card. Manabu saying "Just be friends" in real life would mean the end to any romantic chance, he essentially said "No I want it to stay as we are and nothing more" theres no other way to take it. No wonder this is 280 chapters long cause halfway in we start over. You could literally start from like 10 chapters back and lose NOTHING.

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