Amano Megumi wa Suki Darake!

Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
In all fairness, overreacting accounts for 90% of manga as a whole. As for his big imagination, he keeps that to himself (plus boys his age were always doing that with hot girls anyway, so this is pretty normal). You may have forgotten (and honestly, no one could blame you), he DID tell her to watch herself a couple times in the chapters with slapstick results, only for her to forget later. So it's not that he's not telling her, she's scattered in the head, causing the MC to feel his only option is to physically act as a shield since she won't/can't.
Jun 24, 2018
so do ya think this series ever get on with it or are we really gonna go another 100 chapters with no progression between these two?
Apr 6, 2019
What was the MC's plan?
Study like crazy for 3 years and then hope he gets to the same uni as his crush, not to mention the 1 in 100 he even gets in the same class. Than stare at her from afar while ignoring the half naked school idol girl sleeping in his room, because we all know he doesn't have the guts to approach her first. He doesn't even feel he is good enough for Amano and don't talk to her when she is with her friends when they spend every day together, you're telling me he will go talk to the most popular girl in class who would be practically strangers at this point? Of course for the story she will had a crush on him and go talk to him because the story needs to happen.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 23, 2018
Been Reading the italian subs for some time now, And It seems like this is Just going rounds.
Imma gonna drop this And read some ol' battle shonen, it's probably less frustrating.
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
Love the fact the translator was late because they haven't played games in a while and the chapter was about gaming (and Manabu also hadn't played games in a while). The timing on that is just too funny to ignore.
Active member
Nov 14, 2018
This boy and the author deserve to get ntr'd
Hope the series gets axed soon, so I can delete it off my list
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
@cloudelka: The story gets no progress because it's a Slice of Life manga. That's the format it develops. Each chapter just plays a scenario for the MC and heroine in the current setting. The whole idea is just to enjoy the ride and not worry about where the story is going. If anything, you can consider story progression as the "filler" while the author gets new scenarios put together.

Slice of Life manga is not for everyone. Either they don't understand what it is (and honestly, I don't blame them. Most tags are self explanatory, but SoL is an odd one) or it's just too slow and doesn't mesh with what they want in a story, evidenced by some of the more toxic comments here. For people like this, instead of whining that it ought to be axed, they need to just simply drop the manga in favor of something else. Why torture yourself?
Jul 24, 2018
@TwilightFaze Slice of Life is not a free pass to do nothing for 100 chapters and onwards; no one can enjoy the ride if the vehicle itself is not moving. Advocating for stagnation and mediocrity is truly mind boggling, and then referring to opinions not like your own as "toxic" just compounds that fact. Everyone has a different ideal of what SoL should be, that is fine, but to use your own definition to wallow in the constant rehashing of ideas is silly. There is no climax to any chapter or arc, there is no progression, there is nothing but the moments of ecchi anyone can get en masse at any booru without the mind-numbing dialogue it takes to get there. Other mangas like Eguchi-kun does the same thing, but it keeps itself brief to keep a flow between moments. This manga flows like styrofoam through a sieve.

Megumi does a thing, Manabu catches something lewd in that process, and the reader is "treated" to an ecchi drawing of the same girl every chapter. Why choose this when there is a plethora of hentai with progression, that being the climax. To be frank, even though I would rather get shot than to like NTR, I believe any and all NTR doujins of Amano Megumi to be cannon due to the progression ALL of them has compared to tens, maybe hundreds of chapters of the main manga. I would pass the people that like this stuff as though it were nothing due to having no connection to their enjoyment, but I have wasted my time foolishly reading at the beginning and then flipping through a hundred of these chapters. I for one cannot see your stalwart defense of what amounts to eating packing peanuts
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
@RadioForrest: Everything that you have described? That's how non-SoL manga works. And when you use insults and put-downs because you are frustrated or misinformed (Which, if we're honest, some of the tags ARE a little vague) IS toxic. I've seen plenty of criticisms on these manga that express negative feedback without acting like a kid who didn't get their candy. As a matter of fact, I really like your comments because you're exactly that: You express disapproval and disappointment, but you are not a punk about it. I mean hell, you're response to me is a perfect example of what I'm talking about! Wish more would follow that example.

And progress HAS occurred. Manabu and Amano have been getting closer, but Manabu and Amano both have a dream for themselves. Amano didn't realize her crush for Manabu until midway which is why she's subtly more and more aggressive in her pursuits. It has an effect since we, the reader, can see Manabu's hidden perverted side come to light and even Amano can tell how protective he is (just not the extent that we the readers know). The progress IS there, you just have to pay real close attention, which to be fair, is not easy since they ARE subtle in each chapter; like putting together a 1000-piece 3D puzzle of Camelot or something. Other SoL manga makes the progress more obvious, I admit. This one is more like playing Clue. And no, I won't justify why I think this manga is good., and for a good reason: I like what I like. One person's opinion, despite the touchy-feely speeches out there, are not gonna change someone's mind once it's made up.

And as I've said before, if you don't enjoy it, why not just drop it? It makes no sense forcing yourself reading something you clearly don't enjoy reading. Complaining about it is a good stress-reliever, sure (I'm an advocate of not keeping your feelings bottled up. Doing that leads to nasty results every time...), but it's not like the authors come here and think "Well, gee, they have a point! Guess I better do something about it!" Instead of doing that, do yourself a favor and drop it, low rank it, and read something else. I'm not trying to be a prick, I'm genuinely trying to get people who don't enjoy reading something to find something they DO enjoy reading. I like SoL manga because it's a good time killer and I don't have to worry about where I left off or how much I missed; like reading the newspaper funnies! Not your thing? Cool. No one should tell you what you should or should not read. You don't even have to listen to me. I've just giving friendly advice: Stop making yourself miserable by reading something you hate and go read something that you like.
Double-page supporter
Mar 8, 2019
A fun series where the same gag happens over and over again, no-one learns anything and character development is almost none existant. I realise this description fits a lot of comedy/romance SOL series, but something about this one feels particularly egregious. Also features what may be the single most unnecessary and irritating agressive pervert yuri character I've ever seen.
Jun 24, 2018
I legit just keep up with this series as a side thing. I've completely given up expecting any real progress and the gag is so old its beyond even being ironically funny anymore
May 18, 2019
Thicc: 9/10
Story progression: 2/10
Fan service: 8/10
Characterization: 2/10

Tldr u read this for the thicc not the story cuz there's no story, same gag that will burn u out that u will find ntring the mc will make a better story

If you want a good and thicc story, elf-san wa yaserarenai are better
Jan 23, 2018
It can still be a pleasant read if you just put zero expectations into it and any plot progression, yeah. I am getting sick of the whole "omg, her underwears" stuff, though. At some point, this dude should just be numb to it even if he did start out as the most repressed human being alive.
Aggregator gang
Apr 13, 2018
You can't watch anime in a theater in the states without spastic weebs being way too loud and yelling at stupid shit. The girls squeeing too. It's awful.
Jan 22, 2018
I only have myself to blame for sticking to this for so long. At this point, I am fully advocating the MC loses both Megumi and his crush, and fails to make it to Tokyo U for not actually being all that smart and not actually doing anything but study all the time, instead of broadening his skills and doing extracurricular activities outside of rote memorization of everything.

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