Anata ga Shitekurenakute mo - Vol. 4 Ch. 27

Feb 5, 2020
@beazacha? IKR I mean I know what Makoto and Michi are doing isn’t right and they get their shit together. But I can’t really sympathise with their partners. Michi’s husband is an assholw I even feel sorry for that lady. And Makoto’s wife is an hypocrite and really self centred woman.
Apr 13, 2019
She's actually prettier than his affair partner tbh. But yeah, only being pretty won't do any justice for a long time if you don't pay attention to your man, girl.
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2018
"I have confidence in myself as a woman"

*withholds sex from husband for 2 years*
Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2020
Well, glad that she's at least slowly trying to fix herself....but did she reallllllllllly think that nothing was going wrong with Makoto this whole time she'd been neglecting him lol?

@AnimeMangaMAMA I know Holiday Love had a pretty interesting take on the whole cheating thing and the pressure involved with it, at least in the beginning before it all plummed to shit
Dex-chan lover
Aug 1, 2019
His wife just said he wouldn't cheat on her because she has confidence in herself as a woman...

But he can't get a piece of it, so... This is the first time I laughed while reading this story, for real. I still maintain I want them all to work out their issues without resorting to cheating, but this woman is hilarious. At least she's starting to understand how fucking stupid she is. I honestly feel bad for her. Not to say that I sympathize with her behavior exactly, but she apparently found work that is really satisfying to the point she would unintentionally neglect her husband. It's not like she realizes exactly what she's doing to him. It's a shit thing having to decide on one or other other if your job demands that much from you. But that's just part of life, woman. It's full of tough choices.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 23, 2018
I'm not in their situation so I absolutely have no idea how hard it is to balance career and relationships. Now I'm wondering if the woman's just having a hard time balancing or is just stupid in sympathizing. I hope there'd be a flashback of them in their younger years like in michi's case.

What I do get in their case is that it'd be easier to stay single if you truly want to focus on your career.
Apr 7, 2020
I have no respect for Kaede, no empathy at all. Spouses who work in a whole other country manage to keep better familial relations.

How she has so much confidence in herself and Niina is beyond me
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
Yeah, I've just got a shitty retail job and even I feel like I never have time to socialize. Work, Sleep, days off are often for all the errands I couldn't get to during the week. I can understand having a career take up a good chunk of your life but.. Here's the thing, I have to work my ass off because I'm a single person. The world is really made for couples, it's so damn difficult to live as a single person especially if you're poor. When you can share the financial burden of living with another person, you should be able to free up at least some of your time. It's pretty clear that her climbing ladders and advancing in her career isn't out of necessity, but just because that's what she wants for herself personally.
And I agree, if you really value your job over your relationship (which I won't even say isn't valid, nobody is a monster for desiring their career over love) then you need to be honest with yourself about that and not drag someone else into your life. I have no issues with her being a career woman and not wanting to give up her career if that's what makes her happiest, but it just seems like she's keeping Nina around as an accessory. He obviously needs more attention than she's been giving him, and she's gonna have to decide what's more worth it to her. Stepping down a bit in her work responsibilities to foster a relationship that's mutually beneficial, not just beneficial to her, or letting Nina go and going full force with her career path.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 22, 2018
Damn the feels in makoto relationship really got me, it feels so real and realistic i can't help but hurt seeing their marriage
Dex-chan lover
Dec 23, 2018
I honestly thought it'd be thriftier alone than to be with someone unless it's as roommates, or if your partner's well off. But yeah that's obviously not the reason why they're together. Still hoping they could fix it and that she finally chooses Nina instead of work.

That aside, hope you get a promotion and have much better days irl.
Double-page supporter
Jan 19, 2018
Well, glad that she's at least slowly trying to fix herself

What is she trying to fix? Her 'try' was so sloppy and half-assed that just one message from the job forced her to throw away any acting to be a good wife.
Aug 11, 2020
I don't work so I don't know much about it but we can CLEARLY see that she is very exhausted because of it...How can something which doesn't help her relations out of work and physically tiresome bring her happiness??
Is it because of the feeling of being needed at work bring her happiness??
Does Niina's wife think being needed at work equals her being needed as a woman??

I believe a professional career should be something which you personally love, doesn't make you tired to the point of collapsing after reaching home (once in a while is ok but not always)
Her work doesn't even rejuvenate her emotional state... Why is she clinging onto such a thing which is declining her life in various aspects.

This is my personal opinion but I think she has shown "WILFUL BLINDNESS"(source: refer chapter 19) till now. Its something like the problem doesn't exist until you yourself has pointed it out as one.
If you point it out as a problem then you have to deal with it (For which she doesn't have time or energy) which is another pain in the ass but the alternative is much worse.
Although she knows it cannot go on like this, she continues to lie to herself that her husband will put up with it (Niina should have pointed out this problem much earlier rather than putting up with her for 5 years and later playing the victim and cheating on her. His character is on a different realm. It deserves its own book not to mention how hypocritical he is behaving right now)
Out the 2 couples Niina's Marriage can be saved by having a PROPER TALK although it may be difficult at the start. Atleast there is HOPE.

Out of the four I believe this ranking suits on their personality : 1)Kaeda
4)Michi's husband(HUMAN TRASH)

(P.S: If you reached till the end , thank you for reading my banter)
May 10, 2020
And finally Kaede too came to realize that something isn't right lately. I was curious about the way she would react when she become aware that her marriage is broken. The question now is, what she will choose? What makes she happy? Does she know what happiness is?
Active member
Apr 21, 2019
Yoshino made two womens suffer, nor his wife or Mishima deserve that. He doesn't even notice none of them feelings and even if Michi divorce him, he doesn't deserve Mishima, I think eventually she will be miserable too.

Kaede is so selfish, Niina deserve being loved too, at least she tried to make something for him but she only wants someone at her side, she doesn't even care if the other party is miserable as long as she knows the there will be always someone waiting for her.
Jun 8, 2018
@Ai9964 I wanna harp on Kaede for a second, cause it's not as if she's doing it on purpose, or at least that's not how I read it. It's one of those shitty things that people do unconsciously because it's their norm. In a previous chapter Niina talks about how they got together while Kaede wasn't as busy, helping her up and to foster her career. Once she got going though, her work became her everything and she subconsciously she assumed that Niina would still love her and be fulfilled while nothing about their relationship changes. Now that he's spoken up about it, she starts to notice his behavior, and she starts to notice how horribly she treated him while being absorbed with her work.

That Rick and Morty quote is perfect for their relationship. On S3 EP6, where R&M get toxified and subsequently detoxed, when Jessica calls Morty and says she misses him, he replies with:

"You miss the old me. You miss someone that loved you so much you never had to love them back." I hope this turns out better for Niina though, he was really devoted to Kaede for quite literally nothing in return, and poor guy deserves better.
Oct 23, 2020
I think Kaede should asked her friend who was divorce because of her husband cheated with other woman. (something like having personal advising or consultation on what she should do). Kaede should asked her friend, Why she preferred divorce over fixed things up? If she tried to fixed but they still got divorce because they had no love to each other anymore.. or because she choose job over love for a person call husband.. Then Kaede will know and asked herself from her friend experience that can help her to choose for her path.. but I hope she can fixed things up with Makoto.. She just need a proper self-reflection, time and self-relationship management between her career and love, than she will choose the best for herself if she still love Makoto. If she do well with her husband than she will do well for her career because she feel happy in both terms.

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