Anemone is in Heat - Ch. 42 - Junior

Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2018
I have unsubscribed from youtube channels that are so petty they delay things when their comments ask for something. I wish I could unsubscribe from scanlators, or at least to be able to pick different ones for the same series.

You are worse than the junior in this very chapter and a example of the same thing. The irony.
You can! In your settings there is a blacklist that you can add specific groups/uploaders to and you won't see them in your updates anymore.
Dex-chan lover
May 8, 2023
FINALLY, the hostile manga takes over was fucking OVER.

1. Fuck off, kouhai. It's not your business how totally unrelated people acts.
2. Nagisa, ain't you already be done this exactly baggage when you realized you're falling in love with people?
3. @creditpage: Translation group is power tripping as per usual. We need more people like sebas. Just image some genius using a bot to ask for status update every 6 days for at least 3 months. You'll get another less power-tripping group picking this up in no time.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2020
What's this shit? We had an entire arc basicaly ending witha good character saying "i'm happy that you will chose me because your crush rejected you" and now we have random NPC, that have no relationship with any of the character in this story, come and act as if she was MC's mother?
Author's should have ended this sooner... it would have prevented this good story from ending with this kind of super shitty arc.

Like, what does Mashiro bring to the relationship compared to how amazing Nagisa is, and how Nagisa is always caring for and supporting Mashiro, but it's almost never the other way around?
That's not how relationship work... No one need to add anything to a releationship. Relationship are not commercial transaction. If you think like this IRL you need to know that you are super toxic to anyone you go out with.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2020
Holy shit, i read the end note because i saw other commenting about it, but how childish can you be?
The dude was quite obviously young and you act like this? That's cringe...
Active member
Jan 15, 2023
wow golly gee..
thanks sebas..
go eat some dirt please, that will leave you occupied
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2023
What's this shit? We had an entire arc basicaly ending witha good character saying "i'm happy that you will chose me because your crush rejected you" and now we have random NPC, that have no relationship with any of the character in this story, come and act as if she was MC's mother?
Author's should have ended this sooner... it would have prevented this good story from ending with this kind of super shitty arc.

That's not how relationship work... No one need to add anything to a releationship. Relationship are not commercial transaction. If you think like this IRL you need to know that you are super toxic to anyone you go out with.
Look I was falling asleep as I wrote that last night, but I wasn't necessarily saying that's how things should be or what relationships should be. I was trying to figure out what the cracks in Nagisa and Mashiro's relationship are. Because there are cracks.

The author is very clearly showing that Mashiro is still struggling with SOMETHING. I'm just taking a guess at what that would be. For example, Mashiro seems to be putting Nagisa on a massive pedestal for one thing. And now we have this junior come in and start poking at the cracks, and making Mashiro feel even more unworthy to be with Nagisa so something is probably gonna give.
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Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2018
408 it's that scenario again eh... Pffff FINE author-san. 🙄

Well at least we got a boobpillow scene. Though I really wished they used OP power of communication. Meh. 😤
Apr 1, 2019
I loved that panel where she says, "Meeting you is the best thing that ever happened to me"... Thanks for the chapter and translation
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2020
Look I was falling asleep as I wrote that last night, but I wasn't necessarily saying that's how things should be or what relationships should be. I was trying to figure out what the cracks in Nagisa and Mashiro's relationship are. Because there are cracks.
The NPC is still totaly useless. She come from nowhere and act in a totaly morronic way, it's a realy bad way to make the story progress.
Also, Mashiro was fine before this arc, she didn't have any issue with their relationship, the "cracks" you talk about were just added by the author.
Jul 19, 2023
There's so much diabetes that having this sudden drama feels weird. Jesus I hate random characters who show up just to ruin the main couple 💀. I need more chapters where Mashiro and Nagisa team up on that junior, maybe get Uda in too, I wanna see that junior's downfall.
Active member
Jul 11, 2023
Ahh yes this trope, some random drama being introduced, from some random nobody that thinks she can tell people how to live their life, cause she knew one of the MCs in middle school. Also why does her saying all this shit affect one of the mcs so much, like is your relationship or self-esteem that unstable or low that some rando that put your significant other on a pedestal in middle school has you questioning your relationship and thinking if things are gonna change or not like what. Why does her opinion even matter in the first place. :questionblob:
Self esteem probably is a factor, I can imagine that even though she's born forgiven, there's probably some guilt still eating away at her.
Sep 13, 2018
When will the MCs learn to tell this type of character to seek professional help from a psychologist? They are clearly emotionally and mentally unbalanced.
With one phrase, "go seek help," all this drama would end.
Group Leader
Sep 29, 2023
Tf is this shit? I dont't care you may have studied a lot, but it's unacceptable to speak to others in such a manner.

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