Ao Ashi

Apr 3, 2019
The sudden usage of Japanese slang is a tad bit odd, with phrases such as "Oochan," "kaa-san," and "Shun-nii" feeling forced. I feel like those terms should be localized, or at least there should have been a transator's note/page that properly explains the phrases. There's no need to explain (or do away) with other Japanese words such as the common Japanese prefixes that readers have an understanding of (-chan, -san, -kun, etc..) but I feel like the slang should either be localized or explained since they're rarer than the aforementioned usual prefixes. Just my two cents though.

Thank you for your incredible work on Ao Ashi.
Power Uploader
Oct 8, 2018
"Oochan," "kaa-san," and "Shun-nii
aren't "slang."

they're terms of endearment/respect. Occhan used to be translated as old man but I always found it disrespectful since Ashito says occhan, a term that is closer to uncle in meaning but not quite. But if you do translate it to uncle, this manga goes weird pretty quick. Where do you find an athlete calling their coach "uncle?"

Just wait for your localization if you can't handle it.
Apr 3, 2019

I think my comment may have come off wrong--I don't mean any disrespect, at all. I hope you didn't take my comment the wrong way--I'm very appreciative of the incredible amount of work you guys have put in, especially at such a fast, consistent pace.

With that said, my point is that I think there should have been some sort of translator's note/page to indicate what those terms are. I understand that "kaa-san" is a shorten version of "okaa-san," and that "Shun-nii" is Ashito referring to his brother, and I'm sure that it's a direct translations from the raws--it's just that when I came across those terms, they felt out of place because I had never seen them before and they're not exactly common. I had never seen "Oochan" until I had read Ao Ashi, and it took me a while to realize that Ashito was referring to his mother when he said "kaa-san," as again--he wasn't saying the more common "okaa-san." I feel like the best way to translate in this case to avoid reader confusion is to fully translate those terms into English; but, I also understand that this is to the discretion (style) of the translation team. Nevertheless, I feel as though it would have been nice to see a translator's note/page to emphasize/understand these phrases that Ashito used. Again, not because "Okaa-san" and "onii" aren't rare words--I'm sure that everyone knows what "Okaa-san" and "onii" means; instead, it's because the words "Oochan," "kaa-san," and "Shun-nii" aren't as commonly used as the aforementioned words.

Again, I want to emphasize that I don't mean any disrespect, and I also don't want this to be taken as criticism either--these are just my thoughts as feedback as to how I view the translation, and ultimately, my two cents at how the incredible and dedicated translation team has decided to translate the above terms. I don't want this to be taken the wrong way--I just wanted to voice my momentary confusion.
Power Uploader
Oct 8, 2018
Who the fuck are you and why should I listen to you?
I give back the same tone I'm met with. If you can't take it, fix your tone or grow some skin.
Stay on topic fucktard. I addressed a question that pertains to the translation of the manga but you shitheads are clogging this comments section with your white knight nonsense.
Power Uploader
Oct 8, 2018
I replied to the one who asked about the translation in the same tone. Shitstain whiteknights like you don't need to be dignified.
Jun 5, 2020
@Anivia I think i would also be getting angry if i was translating manga daily for everyone to view for free, and at a VERY high quality, just to get shit from people over the use of a few words.
Mar 19, 2020
Aug 21, 2020
@MarbleCitadel he never got shit over anything. He did this to himself. Why get salty over some dude giving his opinion? Translating manga doesn't give him the privelege to act like a dick.

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