Are You Okay With a Slightly Older Girlfriend?


May 5, 2018
The slut advice friend of the main female really needs to fuck off with her gibberish speeches. Her character, personality and integrity are very off-putting, imo.
Mar 6, 2019
Sad that the Light Novel isn't translated, well atleast for the english speakers, is translated up to Volume 4 in spanish, and is quite the good translation, but still sad there's no english LN translation, hope Vol 5 gets translated soon.
Jan 3, 2019
like i know most people want the "ara ara ara" but she was about to have sex with an underage and she should know how much of a serious crime that is
Mar 26, 2020
@me474 age of consent is 13 in Japan so if consensual is totally legal, probably unthinkable if you live in one of those countries where the age of consent is 18.
I live in Italy where it's 14 so it's not that far off...
Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2019
@me474 are you perhaps from USA? In most of other countries the age of consent is around 14-15, ofc there are situations where its even 18+ and i saw its 17-18 in some states in USA, the culture difference changes a lot, as other says in Japan its 13 and the manga is supposed for the Japanese audience mostly so its totaly ok for them to have sex.
Jan 3, 2019
make you think if the people in the japan gonverment are pedophile or not
not from the USA but the age consent here is 19 (the same age as marriage )it used to be 18 but due to many divorce cases of people who marry early they increased it by one year the age of consent was 16 but they made it the same age as marriage due the high abuse of the system
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
I can't read this
This's out to be painful read
I don't want that
Jun 27, 2018
There are two aspects to the age of consent that make it either ok or outright criminal to set at an age below 21

The first aspect is mental maturity. Japanese people are one of the world peoples with a very high average IQ, and East Asians are generally known for reaching their full mental maturity/capacity rather early (around 16-18 iirc).
This means that even at ages below 15,they will already have on average a higher IQ than the majority of people on this planet, since even White Europeans on average have an IQ of 85+ at the age 11-14, which is as high as West&South Asian adults have on average, and way higher than Sub-Saharan Africans have (in the low 70s as adults).

So, if you argue about this, and Japanese cannot give consent at this point, the majority of people on earth is condemned to eternal sexual immaturity.
However, there is the second aspect,too, which makes this rather disturbing.

The second aspect is the sexual maturity of the body, since sex is an act of and primarily for reproduction(a fact many people still deny to this day even though science has proven this, and yet people wonder why some believe the earth is flat against scientific evidence).
So, by putting the age of consent at 13, you're stating that it is ok for a 13 year old to have a child, even though early teen pregnancy can endanger the health of a woman.

So,if we combine both mental and bodily features, we can conclude that an age of consent below 16 is rubbish, and in general it should be not below 21 years of age because for the majority of people in industrialized nations it's impossible to become independent before that age and thus unable to care for a child.

There is also the issue for women that the chances to ever have a lasting relationship/marriage with a man decreases with the number of sexual partners she had before, so having a high age of consent actually protects women from destroying their future happiness with irresponsible sexual habits.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 3, 2019
@asriel by your logic isnt 16 the sweet spot then?
or 18 to be more fair
21 is way too high imo. i think most prefectures have it at 18 too
i wouldnt know though
Dex-chan lover
Sep 17, 2018
the MCs are both developmentally retarded, to the point that i have no ill will for this pedo woman. like she is actually unfit for society imo, and her preying on this almost as retarded young man isnt a moral failure but a failure of the state
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
I came here because boobs were rubbing against each other, but it’s hetero.

I’ve been disappointed about this shet for decades

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