Here's a link to the previous thread:
by goldencircle
Thank You For The Hard Work!!!!!!!!!THANK YOU FOR WATCHING THIS CHAPTER!
The translation has been corrected and, for this reason, chapter 1 has been re-uploaded. We hope you enjoy it, we are sorry for any inconvenience.
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He calls himself that (along with a number of other similarly self-deprecating and wholly inaccurate names in the LN) with a purpose: to deliberately keep from reverting to the brighter personality he once had and got hurt over. It's not like he means it.Seems like a mild form of hikikomori if he's still going to school?
Thanks for the chapter!
is reverse psychology the way bros?>guy is such an otaku his parents decide to give him some bitches
Yan D RUUUUUN!!Run, dude! RUN!!! She has the crazy eyes!