Asahina Wakaba & Her Chubby-Chubby Boyfriend

Double-page supporter
Feb 18, 2018
I strongly recommend: Hajiotsu it's a lot better than this one.

I want to like this one but it is a bit exaggerated as she's too dam submissive!
I don't like stupid drama
Jun 1, 2019
i cant read this man. the wholesomeness between the main couple is well and good but the bullying takes up like 3/4 of the entire plot. the bullying is also like the most boring and unimaginative form of bullying. okay premise, decent characters. shit execution 4/10
Jun 24, 2018
The heroine is too spineless in here, but then again I'm talking relationships between girls that I've only heard off irl as "not as nice".
Aug 23, 2020
@Doomhound I will, brother. Praise be to the God-Emperor of Mankind... Huh, I could swear that I heard something slightly emo and heretical coming from your direction... Must be that damn Tzeentch again, always coming up with convoluted plans to steal my regiment's shovels. I don't get why he does that, just last week we made sure that his followers had plenty of them lodged into their skulls. Wouldn't you happen to know anything about that? By the way, what chapter of Space Marines are you from? Is your chapter from the Third Founding? Last time I checked, there was no iconography such as yours in any of the loyalist Space Marines' lists. Are you from a secret chapter or something?
Feb 18, 2020
I dont know about you guys. But as i see recent chapter. My hate for asahina grow. I know she wa bullied, i know her personality prevent her to fight back. I know she is not bad girl. But i still hate her. And the other hand haruto repeatedly gain my respect, maybe this is partial because iam never being bullied or ever be bully. But iblet you guys be the judges
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2019
The male MC is god tier but the girl is just annoying and frustrating, even her bullying excuse doesn't work, let alone excuse the shit she does to the Male MC.

@thomasxanderson I disagree, she's more than a bad girl, she's an awful person, if you're ready to mentaly torture someone who's been nothing but nice and supportive to you just so you can avoid a few shitty snide remarks and the risk of having to pay a few bucks for a new mirror, you're an awful person.
Apr 22, 2020
My god was Chapter 7 so wholesome. Urgh my heart~ But it just foreshadows a dark turn, basically a "Calm before the Storm" Hopefully, the friends also help out.
Apr 25, 2020
Sometimes, I wonder how bad bullying is in Japan... can’t you just request to be moved to another class or transferred to another school? 🤔
Sep 3, 2019
you really can't blame asahina. i've encountered many that had the same problem and some that are worse then her to the point of thinking about ending their lives. school bullying is not a simple matter.

this is a good story from how a girl who is finding her trueself and the man who helped her find it. i'm guessing the story will lead into the girls who pressured asahina to confessing would tell the truth about her conffesion to the mc. after that the mc would tell how great a girl asahina is and that they don't know her and he'll try to break up with her because he thinks he's not worthy to be asahina's boyfriend. asahina then will confess her real feelings to the mc and they'll have a nice ending. for the girls that bullied her? i'm guessing they'll be judged by the mc's friend. i mean the mc has a quite big group of friends included some talented and renowned students. damn i just love people who got what they deserve.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 20, 2018
@Xanhomey She is slowly falling in love with him. He isn't someone bad that would cause any real negative events so over time they grow closer together.
Active member
Sep 7, 2019
I'm not some moral warrior, i just want an interesting story, and this is an interesting story.
May 26, 2018
Sometimes I wonder if this kind of bullying really exists... Or, it's actually more hyperbolic things in manga or manhwa.

From one perspective, we could say Asahina is a weak-willed and egoistic girl. Without her knowing, for her "safety", she did try to toy another person's heart, Haruto's. Despite probably she'd be fallen in love with him later, but we know that her intention wasn't pure at all.

Just a bit guessing, the story would be all about how she's tortured with guilty feelings in each chapter.
I hope this Asahina would not keep being a weak girl. Or else, there'd be a chapter that the bully would request Asahina to break their relationship and they will laugh hard behind Asahina saying it's all just a farce. I just hope it's not going to happen later.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 23, 2019
you know the worst thing is? I've been through this. And i can't accept both sides of the story. Fuck everything hits too close to home and I'm reflecting on myself every single page. This sort of thing is so bad it eats up your mental psyche like its nothing. Remember kids if someone confessed to you out of nowhere, and even if you like them remember to reject them and take it slow as friends and work your way up. Otherwise you're in for a whole lot of anxiety, trust issues, and questioning your self worth throughout your whole life and not the immediate time during your time when you date each other. It might work out if you accept outright but since i've been through this I would say it is a lot easier if you just come clean with everything.
Aug 15, 2019
Am I crazy or are there a few manga with this exact premise out there?

I can't think of their names for the life of me but I was sure I had read this before until I actually read a chapter of it only to discover it was just the same premise.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2020
WOW this is really good. So bittersweet it makes other romance manga look diluted by comparison. Maybe not everyone's cup of tea but very nice! Eagerly awaiting the moment when the 'trick' is revealed immediately followed by an actual love confession. :3
Sep 2, 2019
This is the 11th time I am reading this manga from start to finish to keep up with the update
This series gives me life, like Aurelian's achievements for Rome
Love your women, love your country

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