Wouldn't this make her more popular for some kinds of men? They would be fucking a beautiful girl with a boyfriend, so they would be kinda cucking him. If someone gets off of that superiority feeling, they would be pretty happy about the situation. But the ones who loved her... yeah, they would be kinda depressed and probably angry, if they realized she had been more distanced due to her having a boyfriend.
Bashis fans though... they are bonkers. Being that angry because of that... And that comment saying, "How broke must you be to be selling your body?" Basically saying, "Omg, sucks to be poor, lol. Get away from him, your broke ass girl!" Being poor is not a sin and if you don't know the situation that made someone sell their bodies, don't try to take the moral high ground. You don't have it. These people are pretty privileged, they can through money at him without little repercussions in the real world. Meaning they are well enough to do so, and there are a lot of people that are in no position to even dream of doing that. Same with the comment about the poor education. You can't choose those things. If life deals a shit hand, you have to deal with it. These people probably never worried about food or shelter, but they still use being poor as an insult, even though they were just lucky to be born to parents that had some money. Idk man, I can't even gather my thoughts well right now. These kinds of people really piss me off. Have a life and stop bothering others with your whiny ass complaints.