Many Thanks for the new chapter.
So, after this chapter, I
stand corrected about the meaning of Emi's V-Kei memorabilia comment; she was probably referring then to it being the last remnants of her last true happiness-filled time period of her life. Emi, in her youth, was very much a Punk Rebel with Visual Kei which led to her estrangement from her father (and, to a lesser extent, her mother). Though it is good that Emi and her mother seem to be on good terms with each other now.
Yeah, i also wonder how much of her To-Do list Emi is going to get done. I also figure, at some point in this arc, Emi is going to end up selling her V-Kei memorabilia to make ends meet (including the shot of her now barren room and everything else it will entail).