Well, you are not wrong. But there is a point you missed. Religion is actually really good IF everyone is on board. It is an excellent motivator, preventer, and functions as a system to regulate the masses for relatively no extra cost, since idealy, they will police themselves.
The issues come from the zealots, fanatics, and otherwise religious extremists obtain a position of power and/or authority (could be a high ranking member of their faith, a leader, even the principle of a school counts), which gives them a strong backing, allowing them to push their personal ideology onto those beneath them, whether it is done forcably, honourably, or through coercive/deceptive means if need be.
Basically it is only when those who take it too far, begin shaping their country, does religion get dangerous. But to the ordinary person, they likely don't really care about how everyone else does their shit, unless provoked about it. They may offer a suggestion, or make a comment, maybe even start a debate, but they won't just force their beliefs on you, if only because they don't have the ability to do so.
-Religion + Influential Person = likely will end badly either through physical conflicts, politics, persecutions or "brainwashings"/coercions.
-Religion + Ordinary Person = likely everyone will be ok as long as they are not just an asshole.