IMO you can't just claim someone sniped you when you haven't put up a translated chapter in more than 3 months, if it's monthly, if it's weekly then a month. Yeah you stretch yourself thin, you have to many projects, yada, yada, but that's not really an excuse to hold on to it and claim you have "exclusive translating rights" when you're just sitting on your butt and not doing anything. This goes for any and every series they have that they're "working on" but not releasing anything to show for it. I was paraphrasing with the exclusive rights, but this is what it sounds like from the "drama" that went on.
I respect what they are doing, it's tireless and thankless work most of the time, but if one bad egg could stop an entire group from translating something that wasn't being actively worked on, than that just doesn't reflect well on the group as a whole. The fact they hold onto multiple other series and just don't even work on them is bad as well, these new 7 day delays on Mangadex are just not cool either. Like I get it, you want traffic to your website, but the practices they have shown just make me want to avoid them entirely.
I'll still enjoy their work, but now when I see Champion Scans as the translation group I don't think "These guys are doing awesome work" anymore, I think "How long before these guys put this one on the back burner too and just never let anyone else pick it up"