@SightWardenAttempted fart sniffer. He has yet to succeed since the bag she used didn't seem to work. I'm not in any rush to see them succeed in that bit of things but I've developed a morbid curiosity towards it now I guess. Will they try again? Will they succeed? Tune in next time on Asuperu Z
awwww <3
this manga is starting to really inspire me the same way saitou-san was inspired by yokoi's original story :')
it's a lot more deep and relatable and wholesome than i gave it credit for in the beginning and is quickly becoming one of my favs ♥
That a man who wants to huff farts would find the idea of sniffing someone's underwear scarring, is a level of irony so great, I expect Haruka and Atomsk to turn up in the next chapter.