Wow I see that the PC police are hard at work even in MD now lmao. Can't insult somebodies intelligence even when it is clear that the person that worked on this has the cognitive capacity of a monkey.
1) FA is actively working on this on their site and don't upload here because they disagree with MD, which I think is fair enough.
2) The translation in this is horrible and I have reason to believe the entire thing was MTL'd
3) There was no proofreading done this entire chapter, none of the sentences make sense, there is grammatical and spelling errors. OP clearly didn't give a shit the entire time
4) The typesetting... the typesetting... like jesus christ dude. Have you ever looked up a typesetting guide? Nothing about this is even remotely acceptable. The leading, the kerning, the tracking, there is instances where the fucking centering is obviously wrong. You have made no attempt to even bother shaping correctly.
5) Fuck you, work on another series that isn't being actively scanlated you pathetic excuse for a human.