GOD... this was awesome.
See, the little devil had a plan, she played Zoe like a fiddle... and this is the start of a lot of people's nightmares, because given what we saw of Erica in the present time, learning Panzerkunst only evolved her arsenal, coupled with her devious mind... I am surprised Yoko could kill her.
This story is so GOOD, these last updates even sated my desire to see the present timeline from how awesome they were, still want to see what Alita and the others are up to, but the development of things in this flashback is great.
I love that Muster's henchmen dress like classic evil henchmen, just plain black shirts and pants with that headband to give personality

What an update this was, thanks a lot to Kishiro-sensei and all the health in his return, and thanks to Team Pixie for staying strong with this series, with such a crazy release like this had others would have jumped ship or RL would have done something to get in the way, but you guys stayed strong, good health for you too.