Not exactly. He has a warped version of Crazy Diamond. CD can "restore" things it punches, but also control how they're restored. So he can punch through someone, then restore them so they won't even notice that they were almost killed. CD can also heal or restore things he hasn't seen get hurt/destroyed etc. He can't, however, restore something he can't reach, or someone who died. Also can't heal himself.
This guy can *reverse* whatever event happened that he witnessed, so he probably can restore someone who died back to life, heal himself... but he can't modify things he changes in ways other than they were before the "event" that he wants to reverse. He's also apparently restricted by sight, as opposed to range, as in he can reverse something exploding or turning to dust if he saw it happen.
Yeah, him just blindly entering the room is a bit out of character... I assume he's just angry and focused on fixing the girl's wound and making the fight stop faster?