BEASTARS - Vol. 16 Ch. 141 - A Mermaid's Song with Bubbles

Jun 2, 2018
I bet Melons weakness is gun.
You can't beat the gun.

And I wouldn't be surprised if Logosi became the new leader of the lions. Poor guys keeps losing their leaders.
Feb 3, 2019
Yafa knew Legosi would go after Melon, right? So he was essentially using Legosi as bait? But he didn't bother to keep in eye on him so that he could protect him?!?
Power Uploader
Nov 4, 2018
A bit contrived, but it's just to show that Legosi is fit to be a beastar: he gets along and respects every other animals. Herbivores, Carnivores, Sea animals, hybrids... all of them.
Jan 22, 2018
@truepurple Yes, we can be certain he is using the kid as bait, expecting him to act independently after being fed a lead he could work with. At the same time, we've kinda already seen he doesn't actually care about or value Legosi's life, if anything he wants to him to die to spite his grandfather. He's repeatedly said Legosi's very existence is proof that Gosha chose the wrong path in life, expressly rejecting Gosha's right to have any other happiness outside of their partnership. If Legosi dies in the process of busting Melon, from Yafya's perspective, this is a good thing because it pains Gosha
Feb 3, 2019
At the core of this is issue is the question- Is Yafya a true well meaning "hero" with a morale compass who's trying to do right by everyone in his own way? Or is he a self serving asshole? There is evidence for both.

There is evidence that Yafya is not interested in glory, and was disappointed in Gosha because because he wants to make a better world, and with Gosha at his side as an equal, he is better able to do so. This interpretation does leave Yafya with a axe to grind with Gosha, but unlikely to put it on Legosi. In fact he may see Legosi as Gosha number 2, a second chance to have someone at his side to help him improve the world, and a younger person at that with him feeling his age. They've hinted at this near to the point of outright saying it that Yafya would like Legosi at his side, as a aid and possible future predecessor. That is why he offered him lots of money and aid with the marriage legality issue too. And with this interpretation, even if Gosha has deeply disappointed Yafya by what feels like abandoning him, they are still deeply friends, non-romantic ex-soul mates, which made the feeling of abandonment sting all the more. And we know that Gosha has mad skills like Yafya and it would be bad news for Yafya to piss him off by getting his grandson killed, really bad news for Yafya. Yafya wanting someone at his side, not a powerful enemy which at the very least would slow him down and distract him from the things he wants to accomplish. All that is the positive interpretation, which I am leaning towards.

Also there is the element of the story that Kirin-kun alluded to that the story seems to be all about Legosi's journey to become prime Beastar along with possibly the buck whos name I forget as a partner. The current Prime Beastar seeing him as future Prime Beastar fits with that narrative.

So given all this, why is Yafya no where to be found? Don't know, a test? A failure of judgement or of keeping a close enough watch on the situation to be ready to get in?

There does seem to be a twisted side of Yafya too, aside from burying carnivore corpses in his garden (which I do not think would make for good fertilizer, has he never heard of manure?) Hopefully they weren't explicitly murdered for this purpose.

So far the single hybrid we've known him to know, the only one in the story if you don't count Legosi himself (but he's only a quarter who completely passes off as 100% wolf with the only difference being immunity to poison, and not a herbivore/carnivore hybrid with the story implies is more extreme) he's not gotten along with AKA he's not gotten along with Melon.

The story seems to be implying that herbivore/carnivore hybrids are destined to be messed up psychopaths (maybe unless raised extremely carefully?) both through Melon, and through extremely judgemental prejudicial things Yafya has said. And it's not just things he said for himself, he implied it was a serious crime for herbivores and carnivores to mate at the party. And the party being super secret with the passwords and being underground and all that also suggests that. I really dislike this message, I think the stories logic for this is really messed up and nonsensical. I hope it's not based on some RL prejudice from the author about mixed "race" humans. This statement of Yafya pissed me off the most and made me think badly of him, but now I see the message is coming everywhere from the story, not just Yafya.

Well they could just give the racket up or choose one of their own like before. The main reason they choose a herbivore (or perhaps someone who could pass as one AKA Melon) is so the herbivores they deal with don't struggle as much. But Legosi is obviously not a herbivore.
Power Uploader
Nov 4, 2018
@truepurple All the authors does is describe a society with a lot of prejudices against hybrids and while inter-species relationships are not forbidden, they are discouraged to produce offspring, for a lot of reasons specific to this world. We've seen this in a previous chapter. And the message is something pervasive, not because the author agrees to it, but because this is how this world is. And Legosi's mission is to overcome these bias.

I'd make a parallel with same-sex couples having children. Everyone says to them that it's a "bad idea", that it'll cause problems for the children, who won't be adjusted, that it's just selfish, etc... But it's not the couples or the children that are at fault. It's the society that rejects them and refuses to give them a place, for no other reason than prejudice.

I think Legosi, as the MC and as a future Beastar, will be the bridge between all the species and become strong enough to show the world that you don't have to be a slave to your instincts.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 7, 2018
Incarnation, circle of life, prayer-like language, fleeting philosophy and imagery
sea creatures are buddhists confirmed
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
Oct 28, 2019

The thing is, same sex children and interspecies offsprings aren't necessarily comparable. You can see that, reflecting the real life, there are biological drawbacks of hybrids. Melon can't taste at all for example, who knows what worse can happen.

In my opinion, it shouldn't be a conversation of "Will my children be ridiculed" but of "Will my children be able to live?"

Some species are so incredibly different from each other that it's almost guaranteed something bad can happen.

Then again, a reptile and a wolf had a generally healthy baby. I think the author should decide on what she actually wants hybrids to be
Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2018
yeah ok so its now imprinted in my mind that seals are buddha in sea life form
Jan 14, 2020
this feels like its all building up legosi to become the next sublime beastar and he'll work towards bridging the gap between herbivores and carnivores, and land animals and sea animals

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