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Time for my usual Chapter review
Hum, for the Shishigumi vs Madaragumi, the Lion are drawn as generic, nothing to show Agata, Dolph or Free.
Spaghetti is a reference to tomato sauce, which stains very easily, especially one white clothes. Girls care about their looks so having stains is very bad.
When people don’t believe they can win via strength, they go for style. So even if they lose, they have respect via style. I assume the same here, that the Inarigumi want to send a message via their clothes/style instead of brute force. Afterall, it is unlikely for any female to win against a male. But this is confusing for those who care only about the end goal.
For those of you that don’t care about fashion like Legoshi: https://www.colormepretty.co/categories-2/4-season-color-analysis/ Remember Legoshi’s sweatpants [now his dress] is red per the color pages of 170/177.
Kinda silly people say Legoshi lost his eye. This is just like Ch 84 where a cut above the eye lead to blood covering it
Times the series Rained: CH: 37-42 [Shishigumi raid], Ch 61 [Legoshi getting shaved, start training], Ch 125, Ch 146 [Haru talking with Melon]. Excluding 125, rain typically have a big events.
As a reminder, Paru sucks with fight choreography. Ten Holds Legoshi leg, and doesn’t follow up on attacks?
Paru been following with a lot of Japanese Myths, in this case, using the Sunshower and the Kitsune of both animal fox, and fox spirit [which can be both good spirit and evil spirit]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitsune_no_yomeiri
What happened to Legoshi’s Torch while he is fighting? Did it go out? Notice how the Dokugumi and Madaragumi [held by the felines] went out. Dokugumi gave up, so they lost. Since Madaragumi also went out, did they lose off screen vs Melon/Shishigumi
Seems like most of the gangs fight in the turf wars more about the message. Shishigumi regarding their status as King of Beast [Ch 92 Ibuki / 163 Agata]. Dokugumi via Descrimation for their Venom. Inarigumi with their fox status / myth. Ch 145 noted Felines are mythic, so Maybe the Madaragumi have a mythic thing with them? Too bad we won’t see their sorrows due to off screened by Melon/Shishigumi.
I guess since Melon interrupted, the fight with Ten/Inarigumi ended. Rather Ten may just look to see Legoshi’s words [protect foxes]. Her goal is not the Meat day, but the message. So if Legoshi can fulfill that, why continue fighting?
I wonder what reason Melon has for interrupting the fight, or he got tired with this?
I rate this chapter as 4.5/5, of 9/10. Expected of Paru, expected background, follows the discrimnation theme, good use of Japanese Mythology. Not too type, feels like a bit handwave though and lacks that much hype for perfect chapter. Good use of the rain though.