@theilikepie If you are basing this on slavery in real life, then please, educate yourself a little more. Slavery should never be practised or justified, however, some slaves have indeed had better lives than regular people, for example in ancient Rome or parts of Greece. Yes, their life was in danger of being killed on a whim, however, depending on who they served they had a lot of benefits, and sometimes would be freed after long time of servitude (usually because their master loved them or was happy with their loyalty).
This is a story of FICTION, and every person experiences life in a different way, so if our MC is happier being a slave, I can actually see why. If you failed to notice why, let me clarify:
- No one has any expectations of her while she's a slave, while her father forced her to do things she didn't want while she was a 'free' person and a noble at that;
- She doesn't have to get married (especially after the awful experience she had);
- If she is lucky, she can actually earn her freedom, whereas she had no chance to avoid being a pawn for her father;
- Aside from serving her master, she has a lot of free time, and since no one cares what she does, she can pretty much dedicate herself to things she likes...etc.
I suppose there are many things she mentiones herself, but it is HER perspective based on HER experiences, that being a slave is better for HER. She never said it was better in general, or that everyone feels the same.
If your ancestors suffered because of slavery or in any other way, I'm sorry and I understand why you would feel angry, HOWEVER, this has nothing to do with your ancestors.
It is a fantasy world where logic and real life rules don't apply, and anyone can create anything they want.