
Nov 28, 2018
Now mtl is gone see u in 2 or 3 month again next chapter. Why angry with other translation. Its 2020 u cant hog alone good series by ur self. U went hiatus because irl problem please do what ur neccesary but when other translation it, just cool with it. For grup fanboy why u attacking other translation this webtoon. Not everyone like to wait for 2 / 3 month for 1 chapter. Other like fast updates.
Aug 22, 2019
I don't know what is going on with the translation groups, but I do know that the update times on this can improve to be more efficient than what it is. I wait for skip beat once a month and I thoroughly enjoy my 12 chapters a year, but beatri e deserves its time and attention. It's a very popular story with a great story line, and it updates regularly on kaka? Its popularity here is being effected by it update times. Whatever the matter is it needs to be addressed because I will start checking on it yearly and usually when that happens scanalations drop the story because the view count is too low. I just want to know if you're wasting our time and the donations that some of us give to support the translations/scanalations to these stories? It really is that simple, should we continue to read or are you guys going to battle over it until it ends up dropped due to lowered view count?
Sep 30, 2019
Shoutout to this manhwa for having the balls of having a male character not be into the FL and instead having his own thing going on! Hell yeah Trigger! I was gonna roll my eyes at what I thought was a confession but I love this
Nov 6, 2019
@MerriLee3s you don't sound like you get the idea of what she's telling you.
You don't have to like the promp under which this webtoon/novel was written, disagreeing with it is okay.

"It just doesn't make sense for ANYONE to prefer being a possession to being a noble." It does when you think outside of your times and actual situation: maybe NOW it doesn't make sense, but if in the 1600's your master treated you well enough that you didn't have to worry about anything else but the work you did in their house, freedom would be the last thing in your mind. Between being "free" and dying on the streets or being a slave and having enough to eat and a roof over your head, I think the choice is very clear.

"I disagree with the using of Chloe's situation and status as a comparison tool to the Grand Duke's." I don't: comparing the root of the choices you make to the root of the choices others make is a healthy way of introspection; you get to understand better why you do the things you do in a deeper level.

"And as a characteristic that draws him to Chloe." I don't really care, but this is subjective so it doesn't matter. Everyone has their own opinions, so variety is a given in everything.

"It seems unnecessary and naïve of the bloody and cruel reality of slavery in all contexts." No, it's not. We were shown that Chloe didn't suffer being a slave, so just because other people in other cultural contexts suffered she can't enjoy her life as a slave? The "reality of slavery" wasn't "bloody and cruel" in every context, there were cultures where being a slave wasn't that bad nor hard. Just because you were taught something about it doesn't mean that it's always the same everywhere else. From where I come from people eat dinner at 11pm and that's my reality and maybe of the country as a whole, but it doesn't mean that everyone else in the world does the same.

I agree that slavery as a topic is a sensitive one in some occidental countries and won't be liked by many people, but what was experienced in SOME countries during slavery doesn't mean that was the only kind that existed, there where some places where it was different; Korea as an example (taking @Rhodolite words as a native korean into account). And even then WE don't know and can never know because WE don't live in those times.

You are not being understanding of what @Rhodolite told you nor what the cultural background of the webcomic is when you still try to push your idea that "no matter what context or place: slavery was/is always wrong".
Nov 25, 2019
engaging story and beautiful art, but for some reason the men are drawn like they're in a yaoi manga
Aug 13, 2020
@queenskull ok but heres the thing THEY ARE ON A HIATUS which is fine they are having irl issues totally ok but they cant be pissy if we get tired of waiting and someone else does it, thats like going into a store and asking an employee for help and they are like yeah ill help when I'm off my break and then they get upset when they come back and see they you asked another employee for help. If a group cant update something why cant someone else contribute if its such a big deal for them to have their "respect" or ego they can go and make their own website for "their" projects and buy the rights, until then the idea of sniping is completely ridiculous. I looked and they have like 9 different mangas that they are uploading maybe they shouldn't bite off more they can chew. I don't know if this is true because when I looked through all the recent comments I didn't see this but I did see one of the upload her very upset and saying that people were calling them pathetic I'm not calling them pathetic at all having IRL issues is completely valid and I sympathize but you cannot expect people to just like wait around when someone else can do it and if you had any humility you would be able to understand that
Aug 16, 2020
honestly their love story sounds wild if someone were to ask. like she was a slave turned into a princess about be killed by her future husband then spared and turned into his slave in a crazy occurrence who occasionally becomes his fake "secret lover boy" then one day they got married probably😂
Active member
Feb 9, 2020
“Disgusting humans” the murdering slaver with rapist subordinates thinks to himself after the dirtbag husband whom he made a deal with has the audacity to ask him to honor said deal.

Could our dear murdering slaver be a hypocrite, perchance? Of course not! The murdering and the slaving is completely fine due to the fact that the murdering slaver was sad when he was younger because his parents were mean to him. The murdering slaver is also the patron of baby birds. He is the pinnacle of human decency.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018

Slavery is always wrong. Theres no argument for it. Most would die to get freedom rather then be in a postion where they can be raped or sold off

This is a shoujo. Of course the MC lucked out by not being sold a as a sex slave. Well I think Beatrice has a mental illness where she cant feel any negative emotions but thata another topic

Maybe your of the kanye west school of thinking

Korea has a problem with romanticizing slavery. I need to remind you that a high school girl wrote this. She probably read all this weird slavery fetish shit that was coming out in there novels and decided to insert int I to jer own story cause the alot novels portray it as is light hearted and a sort of kink

When in all honesty if this had even an pincers of realism betraice would have been sold to a rapist and beaten to death. Not taken to lalala land where the hot duke master falls for her kindness. Its disgusting and white washes slavery which was a real thing

Almost in evey culture slaves have tired to escape. You keep on bringing up roman slavery? Ever heard of spartacus?Rmeber that those kind masters could do anything to them and sell them off. The slaves knew this.

Do soem research and stop taking the word of wattpad novels.. You come off as inconsiderate and insulting saying now slavery wasnt bad in some cultures.

You can have slavery in your novel without it being some sort of luxury all braindead people should love. Dont write slavery into a novel if your only gonna use it as a tool for your fetish
May 10, 2019
I won't comment on the "sniping" or whatever, but it seems like some people think that the original group straight up abandoned this series for 4 months until the new translations came along. I'm pretty sure that they were actually caught up to the raws when the original author went on hiatus and only came back with chapter 42 in early October. So yes, most of the "wait" was due to the original work being on hiatus.
Apr 21, 2020
Honestly I could go without the whole slavery thing. Like I know it was a common occurrence during the time; where people of a conquered nation were taken as slaves during the time of kingdoms i.e medieval ages (the transatlantic slave trade I know occured from mid-sixteenth century until the 1860s which is not during what is classified as the medieval period. I'm addressing medieval slavery currently which did include a lot of white prisoners/peasants that were sold to nobility as slaves) but it really leaves a bad taste in my mouth especially since historically they were treated like shit while here it's shown as not a big deal :(

Like she could've just been a servant or commoner and it wouldn't have changed the story much. I'll still be reading though since I am still curious.
Jun 13, 2020
@ID54 well actually that pathetic only one person who said that. It’s in comment ch 43 🤫

A lot of things happened after the artist took hiatus quite long. And when We were excited that Bea came back, we had problem. We didn’t have raw provider. That’s why ch 42 is kind a.... not smooth 🥴.
We try to keep with the timeline and planning to release mass chapter when we have our quality back. Just 2 days before we want to release one chapter, there were two groups posted the translation. And the arguments started..

Please just forget all drama and enjoy Beatrice whoever translate it ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

Ps. Yue don’t kill me for this. My hand too itchy not to clarifying things.
Group Leader
Jun 21, 2020
I'm sorry but I don't understand.
We never told anyone to stop MTLing Beatrice.
Or never told anyone to delete their hard work from MangaDex.
If someone snipe our project by MTL, I really don't care.
But WTF do you except us to do right now? When we didn't update: how dare we drop Beatrcie without any announcements. When we update: how dare we come back and claim Beatrice is ours when someone already picked it up. Firstly, we never dropped Beatrice. Secondly, where were you when someone took our project. Did ANYONE react? I'm grateful if someone did, but sadly I didn't see it. And, please, learn how to find information so you're not talking nonsense like "we abandoned Beatrice for a half year". You can read on that Beatrice season 1 ended with chapter 41. What usually happens after season end? Hiatus. And yes, that happened a half year ago, in the periode of time you thought we were just sitting on our asses doing who knows what, not even thinking of publishing chapter 42! That wasn't up yet even in Korea! -.-
I'm quite angry right now. Like, I didn't join Empire Scans for Beatrice, but I still did 3 of 4 available chapters because I knew this project is important for our group, and people were working hard so we can publish a new chapter even if we're late and someone already did their own version. But apparently a part of readers don't need it and it's better to read anything as long as it is available. That's your choice, and tha's our choice to still do Beatrice. If someone still would MTL Beatrice, I don't think I would do anything about it. I can't force them to stop, and I feel people who still decide to read it. Bruh, but I can't bare with bullshitting around either my or others work. That's too much for my nerves and right now, I don't know if I'm able to look at the next chapter without worring that someone, again, will trash our work.
Thank you for attention.
Jun 23, 2020
Yall...don't complain about wait times for translations when the original work WAS ON HIATUS for several months AND you don't contribute at all to the work. We just have to wait here for new chapters but the translators have to secure the raws and build a team & do all the work. Stop complaining! I apologize to Empire Scans on behalf of some of these commenters...take your time with the chapters! It's nbd
Oct 22, 2020
Solid manhwa. Great art. Interesting premise and past of the heroine. Slow but fluffy development. They realize her princess identity at a reasonable timing. I haven’t noticed any plot holes, just occasional coincidences (totally acceptable imo). Not much has happened romance wise yet but I like this slow simmer of the main characters building a relationship. Just a chill fluffy read.

Also some commenter below went ham about how we shouldn’t fetishize slavery but this manhwa definitely doesn’t do that. The reason the heroine is a slave is so that it contrasts the male lead who is unhappy despite having everything. Their interactions allow him to slowly open his heart and I find it quite organic and endearing. The meaning of status is one of the manhwa’s themes, not the author’s kink lmao. Is this cliche and predictable and a bit too much of a pipe dream, yeah maybe but it’s a damn manhwa, so chillax.

I will say the male lead is a bit of a hypocrite for looking down at the ugliness of humanity while he’s just swinging his sword left and right ending lives. The latest chapters slightly show him question himself so I hope that will be more fleshed out.
Aug 7, 2019
@Rhodolite , @Pandaemonium i would just ignore them. I'm guessing they're just here to lecture, sjw's and not to read the story since slavery being in it seems to bother them, or it bothers them and they like "righteous anger", it is addicting for some.

Pandaemonium, from your earlier post, I would actually put the story well before the 1600's unless I missed something. There appear to be no guns which would likely put it before the 1300's and even earlier.

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