[Read up to chapter 9]I enjoy the story build up too, so far the Duke comes off as indifferent to everything...probably due to the way he grew up.He is tired of greedy/selfish people i.e. Beatrice's husband, his Dad the Emperor... though I'm not sure how that makes it okay for him to be ruthless and somewhat of an asshole.
Totally hating his subordinates bar the silver haired one (still don't like him though) which I feel it is to help us sympathize with the female lead.
Female lead is likable at this stage but it irked me when the author mentioned she's from another world. TBH she didn't need it as she grew up as a slave with background of handling herbs and such. I'll let it slide for now... it just felt a bit off handed.
The plot is intriguing so far so looking forward to more!
[Totally not complaining about the fan service though, that art is spectacular kudos to Cierra!
