Berserk of Gluttony - Vol. 3 Ch. 12 - A Still Village

Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2019
Insane people. Burning down house? Why? The fire can spread to other houses, plus there is nobody to protect it from other people taking it over, except that kid. And he can be easily kicked out.
Why throw stones and make crazy faces? He is just. A god damn. Child. Just treat him like nothing and he won't be able to do anything.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2018

Maybe the Gargoyles blitzkrieg-ed the village?

(considering they have a plan on how they pillage villages, can all cast fireballs, and are smart enough to change tactics on the fly, it wouldn't be that far-fetched.

I mean how often do you hear about a mob to change from fireball to AOE after a single setback, their entire little swarm did that. Seemingly without orders)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2019
The burning of his house seems excessively stupid for a poor village. You could force him out and use it as a storehouse or just move in and force him out. or repurpose the parts.

Even without a skill he can still haul rocks. ... oh right, his skill made him ravenous so his food intake was probably disproportionate as a kid. So I guess making him leave makes a LITTLE sense.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 12, 2018
'Haha villagers all except one are super bastards' lazy writing IMO.
Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
Hmm, the author is good at developing the important characters, but one-offs like those villagers are so shallow it's pathetic.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 20, 2018
Mhh if You have problems with surviving you get rid of the useless... thats not cruel thats logical... some ppl here rrly sit on a high horse of modern civilisation where we have everything in abudance...
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 9, 2018
eh...stop with the bullshit and just kill the bunch of them already....i read this manga for that sweet sweet revenge and the MC that does kill
Apr 6, 2019
I think the novel is much better, I enjoy the manga purely for the fact I’m not bothered to read a lot of words.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 30, 2018
How long has it been since he's been in the village? He said he was at Tetra five years ago on his way to the capital, so I thought it would be 6 or 7 years max, but damn how young he was in the flashback + this guy having a daughter makes that seem really strange.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 24, 2018

... Look at this kid talking big. Everything that you have, everything that you are, is due to the convenience of modern living. Of society. Of civilization. Even if you lived in the woods, that'd still be the case because it's only as safe as it is for you there due to the actions and existence of stable, permanent civilization.

Every time there's a manga with an edgy MC, the kids come out and start talking like they're hot shit. It never fails.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 20, 2018
@Kayriel oh iam flattered to be considered a kid^^ its been a while

But i dont think my words have to be considered childish... because they are only logical if i were in a situation where i had to sacrifice another to save my life i would do it...why wouldnt i? Better than both dying
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@Kayriel You realize you two are practically saying the same thing right? Yes, the only reason we have it so easy now is because things are different. So also yes, back then a poor ass village would've done what it had to to survive even if it means letting an orphan get kicked out to possibly starve to death out in the wilds.
Oct 7, 2018
@Glomoro I was about to comment on this too... I get what you are saying but I think you have gotten that impression reading too many dark fantasy novels lol.. no way would any village drive off a helpless child from village. And why the fuck would they burn his house? They have too many houses around or something? 🙄 Its really anime/manga-like story background made to invoke strong feeling of resentment toward the villagers, but there is not even ounce of realism in it imo.

In reality they would take care of orphaned child, and if they thought he was in a large way useless they would still demand that he does some menial labour to earn a upkeep. They could at least feed him some scraps and demand that he cleans outhouse or whatever... all in all totally unrealistic plotline. Ofcourse we are talking about manga setting here not a real life historical setting, maybe in this world people might just randomly turn on innocent child and noone things its weird...
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@Haiuli Human beings can be extremely petty or cruel, and will even act illogically over anything from superstition to pure spite. Your scenario for what should have happened here in reality could very well have happened. With the right group of people. But honestly, so could this or many other variations of over the top BS, because sometimes people just suck a big bag of dicks.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@Haiuli Yep, that's an especially good example. Kind of ran the whole line between superstition and spite.

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