@ShadeLights we know virtually nothing about their relationship, we are given nothing and im sure there's nothing there too.
if you assume she helped him out of pity does it make sense that he turns into a subhuman lickin Roxy-sama's ass wherever she goes?
-isn't he a beggar who's been beaten down by society he can't perceive potential pity to any degree?
-this guy comes off as if he is the type to log into VR chat with a Uganda Knuckles skin harassing the first female player nice enough to greet him courteously
and if you assume she helped him out of love... what was there to love about him? what chemistry? b/c the village doesn't have dozens of already poor folk she chose him cuz special connection
also there's a difference between admiration and wanting to pay someone back for all they've done, while holding onto your own self worth and building a relationship from there if there's an avenue
and there's what the MC is doing, which is SIMPING for his Roxy-sama
i don't like the overuse of the term simp either, but that doesn't change the fact that that's all he is and ever will be, well unless Roxy dies
and its disappointing that he won't amount to much more b/c we had to have an obligatory poorly written romance shoehorned in here