@Sakumai-cawk if all you're looking at is the amount of edge
sure, he's got the whole clad in black
MC is much more of a simp than edgelord kirito
-he's also somewhat more personable
and Roxy hasnt been relegated to role of sex object though she's got damsel in distress part down
@kizuro engaging how?
-excessive romance didn't ruin SAO
poorly written romance, with virtually 0 development, and character writing (writing in general) ruined it
nearly all women are treated like bland sex objects that just need to be rescued by big daddy kirito
how often did Kirito and Asuna interact? a good portion of those episodes before they hit it off, if there werent time skips, Kirito was either fondling Asuna "by accident" or meeting the other harem club rejects
-kirito and asuna had sex without even knowing eachothers ages... Kirito also made Asuna orgasm like 4 times

b/c he's that insane in bed, but you wouldnt have the pleasure of knowing this unless you read the light novels
Deus Ex Machina Yui is just bullshit and continues to plague the story
plot armor.. while we are on this subject thanks to Yui.. Kirito hacked the game?
Asuna hacked the paralyzing drug as well (though there was a little bit of set up)
a bad antagonist that doesn't know his own purpose and is glorified despite committing mass murder
2 rapists back to back on of whom just being a straight up pedophile
i heard there was a girl with cancer who was an actual good character but i dropped gungale halfway in
2 more rapists
a FEMALE rapist cuz #diversity
one real THIRSTY midget who pretty much turned straight to rape after simping didn't work out for him cuz #diversity
then another male rapist with a little bit of depth (and hell i feel like im missing at least 1 rapist)
its incredibly repetitive
SAO fails b/c Reki Kawahara understands his fans and made SAO to pander to them rather than develop a decent story
Klein is my favorite character but i know the fans like kirito so i'm going to continue to elevate Kirito
i can't help but make female characters fall in love with kirito...
and Reki Kawahara was right by abandoning everything and pandering to the toxic fans who wanted to elevate edgy badass Kirito (ohh the Jesus memes) he achieved massive success
SAO was top anime (in part b/c of dot Hack Links ending) top light novel till the hype died down and the fanboys stopped sending death threats to critics and started playing victim
SAO Abridged fixes a lot of these issues though