
Dex-chan lover
Mar 12, 2023
Months for 20pages of 0 dialogue. I am profoundly upset at Miura’s absence — completely inconsolable. I feel nothing but a deep maw of sadness at my favorite manga never fully realized.
May 15, 2023
Very good manga so far!

I hated on this before because of the disgusting nasty fairy from the first chapter but after meeting pakk again in the second arc, it seems like the creator realized the filth and fixed the character. Pakk is adorable now! No butt shot every page, no nasty or annoying talking. Also the story is pretty interesting and I can see the fight drawings 70% of the time (which is a lot for manga and the typical nonsense fight drawings).

I'm currently at the beggining of Millenium Falcon (no Hawk, dumb translators lol) and I'm giving this manga a 9. Just a 9 and not a 10 still because of how nasty Pakk was in the first chapter of this manga. First ark should be deleted just for that Pakk personality.
Feb 4, 2018
I'm glad to see this masterpiece didn't stop with tthe author death.

Very very few readers can still read a story after the author death, so berserk fans should be happy, it's nice to see it will go until the end like miura wanted.

Truly one of the best manga ever.
Jan 3, 2019
I'm glad to see this masterpiece didn't stop with tthe author death.

Very very few readers can still read a story after the author death, so berserk fans should be happy, it's nice to see it will go until the end like miura wanted.

Truly one of the best manga ever.
Yeah. I'm still held up about HotD :cry:
May 11, 2020
translation on chapter 375 is pretty terrible so don’t read until EvilGenius translate it
Nov 26, 2023
Very good manga so far!

I hated on this before because of the disgusting nasty fairy from the first chapter but after meeting pakk again in the second arc, it seems like the creator realized the filth and fixed the character. Pakk is adorable now! No butt shot every page, no nasty or annoying talking. Also the story is pretty interesting and I can see the fight drawings 70% of the time (which is a lot for manga and the typical nonsense fight drawings).

I'm currently at the beggining of Millenium Falcon (no Hawk, dumb translators lol) and I'm giving this manga a 9. Just a 9 and not a 10 still because of how nasty Pakk was in the first chapter of this manga. First ark should be deleted just for that Pakk personality.
Personally i find this bizzare. You open up Berserk, and you see a 15-year-old soldier killing a demon with hundreds of veins while having sex with it.

You see hordes of corpses, mass murder, misogony, and slavery, and then you see a fairy, completely non-sexual, who just so happens to not have clothes. Then you lose it—disgusting, unreadable. You see them being able to read the protagonist's emotions to give contrast and insight into the character along with the reader. "Disgusting, nasty talking."

Miura did not notice it was a "nasty character" (it wasn't); they opted to use Puck as a comic relief instead as a form of contrast with the bleak nature.

Subjectively, this was bad; the humour was entirely flat, and the other creatures could have been used for this jester fest instead of puck, which was an important emotional companion to gutts.

Thankfully, they are back, and it makes more sense now that it was intended to be brought back at the
right moment.

I do not think if you are this sensitive to non-sexual nudity that this is the manga for you, but that does not seem to be the case as everything else, including child murder, is fine, but the nude fairy?

Disgusting!. What? You have the right to your view (100% world would be boring if everyone thought the same way) its art but I will comment on the strange nature of this stance and give mine.
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Dex-chan lover
Jul 13, 2019
time for bed. i'll upload a bunch more tomorrow. I'm breaking out each chapter and inserting the groups credit page. My copy only has the credit page for the volume and no chapters broken out so its really annoying and will take me a bit to upload all the way to current.
You are awesome


Apr 10, 2018
A question for those who have read the manga, my brother has read the mange and swears that there is a scene he can remember but can not find in the manga.

Something like a church setting where Guts and Griffin are fighting, the child sacrificing itself s the Griffin can be beaten. Casca turning into something (like a goddess?).

This might all have been a fever dream or a fan made ending for the series, but if someone knows something, please let me know.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
This is some of the most meandering time wasting bullshit I have ever witnessed.
Once the falcon of light shows up this drops from a 9/10 to a 7
The author must genuinely have had a kink for sucking griffith off because we waste 50+ chapters on walls of text where absolute nobodies tell us over and over how great the antichrist is.
Also who gives the slightest fuck about any of the apostles as "people"? Why do we waste so much god damn time on these things?
Zodd is unbearable, the flying condom is obnoxious at best and lets not act like bow and lance guy even deserve a mention.

Griffith did nothing wrong but hes still guilty of WASTING MY FUCKING TIME.
Imagine how far we could have gotten if miura didnt spend half this manga with griffith's penis down his throat.
This is infinitely worse than itagaki gassing yuujiro up.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
A question for those who have read the manga, my brother has read the mange and swears that there is a scene he can remember but can not find in the manga.

Something like a church setting where Guts and Griffin are fighting, the child sacrificing itself s the Griffin can be beaten. Casca turning into something (like a goddess?).

This might all have been a fever dream or a fan made ending for the series, but if someone knows something, please let me know.
Didnt happen, not even anything close.
Jan 3, 2019
A question for those who have read the manga, my brother has read the mange and swears that there is a scene he can remember but can not find in the manga.

Something like a church setting where Guts and Griffin are fighting, the child sacrificing itself s the Griffin can be beaten. Casca turning into something (like a goddess?).

This might all have been a fever dream or a fan made ending for the series, but if someone knows something, please let me know.
your brother berk too much he schizo now
my condolences 😔🙏
Jun 22, 2024
It's a shame Miura died from what is speculated to be the Pfizer vax (rolled out Feb 2021 in Japan, man dies May 2021 from his aorta literally tearing itself apart at the age of 54 for like... no reason).

I can't tell if it's the translations that didn't connect it or the authors direction or the editors decisions but the story has taken many turns. Transforming from a Diablo dark fantasy to a high fantasy akin to A Song of Ice and Fire to shift into a Lord of the Rings-style epic followed by a Harry Potter stint (with witches, brooms, schools of magic) to finally settle on the Chronicles of Narnia (fawns, talking animals, life trees, dream-like empires with mega structures). Sprinkle a little bit of Pirates of the Caribbean and... yeah... it gets messy.

Don't get me wrong, the art is second to none thanks to Miura dedication but some of those wide panel shots, while detailed and paint a nice vista, could have better been used to expose some more of the story.

The fact Mirua once mentions he got a new photocopier (at the end of one of the chapters) made me realize this man isn't using computer composition to help streamline production (like what a high tech society would do) but is hand drawing and photocopying to create layered imagery.

That is either a man who is on way too much ritalin/other amphetamine-based products (which might explain his aorta bursting and the micro-detail he puts into his pictures) or has completely missed the digital age by being a total shut in (which his notes mention multiple times; missing out the cherry blossoms, not having more than a half-day off in a year, amazed at the technological progress his new photocopier demonstrates, etc.)

Well that's my 2 cents into the ether of the internet.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2023
I think now that Im over Miuras death I can say it: Berserk has been dead ever since they stepped on that boat 2 decades ago. Some chapter were good since then but overall its a far cry from what it used to be. I just hope the ending we will get will be in line with Miuras vision. I dont really care about the journey anymore.. I just want to know if Guts finds peace or if he and Griffith will tear die fighting

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