I'm happy to talk plot points with you. If what Eugene's feeling is romantic love there's nothing "beautifully poetic" about it. Hari is a member of the household that he is in charge of. Let's forget the fact that she has been acknowledged by all three brothers as being a sibling, and the massive impact that moment had on her.
The difference in power is huge. Larger than employee/boss or student/teacher, both of which are considered fraught dynamics within which to build a romantic relationship. He has absolute control of her entire life, the potential for abuse is too great. We can already see that he lies to her regularly, and has tasked someone with informing on her daily actions. All while relying on her for some sort of emotional support... it's not healthy.
This story remains an interesting read, and likely will remain so whoever she ends up with. What bothers me is reading through the comments and seeing people gush over stuff like this. Imagine Hari as a real person who becomes aware of everything Eugene is doing. She tells you about it. Would you be thinking 'romance!' or 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩?