Blue Period - Vol. 2 Ch. 6 - Actually Naive?

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Man, consider most of my fears alleviated. The author handled that whole Ayukawa stuff pretty well. Even playing it off as a joke at the end with him going after the jock is somewhat realistic, as after getting hurt one often bounces back hard in order to avoid the feelings that being that hurt can fester within you.

Meanwhile dude is learning some really important shit about art and seeing how even with his dedication to wanting to do this because he likes it, his idea of art is very shallow at the moment (which honestly isn't entirely his fault because he just got into this).


Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2018
Finding your own "voice" is really hard. It's easy to learn the fundamentals. You only need to go by the book. But to take what you like, combine it, reinvent it, that's really really hard. Finding an original style to call your own is for some, like an instinct. For others, it's the longest struggle.

And I'm happy to see that Yuka is being handled thoughfully but also not being coddled and fluffed up. She has some genuine struggles about how others see her, and her own broken conceptions of romance because she stands on a line between the gender binary.
I not totally sure how to read this, but is she happy that the girls seem to accept her? Or is she lamenting the difference between how girls and boys view her? What is happening in those pages?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
Big oof trans feels with Yuka. I often feel moody regarding my own art because I feel it doesn't have any voice since it's cross-stitching. But maybe given enough time, I'll reach the point were it feels my own.
Active member
Jan 28, 2018
I caught up so fast ;-;

Should've let more chapters build up T_T

Really enjoying the characters in this manga.

Can empathize with MC's feelings.
Parents weren't too stereotypical strict "No we aren't gonna let you waste your life learning art".
Friends didn't really ostracize MC like I thought they would when he got absorbed in art(For some reason I thought they would).
Yuka being trans generally treated in a "manner of fact" sort of way, not making her whole identity surrounded around it. When touched upon here, its done well enough imo to give a lil more depth to her.
Nov 3, 2018
yep yep, drawing off your own interpretation is hard. you can only do that after youve copied others
Active member
May 3, 2018
is yuka still considered trans? yuka did say that he is a male, no?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Yeah, for the moment it looks like Yuka considers himself male. That might change in the future as he might still be discovering himself or it might not. At the moment he's using male pronouns tho so I'd probably say he's not trans but could realize he is later.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
Oh this really cuts deep! I think I made a phrase like Yuka once in the past, the fact that I can relate so much is scary but I love this work.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 7, 2018
i'll respect yuka's pronouns for now, but he definitely is repressing stuff, or not, they don't have to be trans, still some egg-like behavior and language tho
he's frustrated that he can't be a girl, even though it's to conform to heteronormavity, that's still trans-ish
but anyway, i like that the manga is using yuka's identity to talk about layers of art and how to understand it (or not understand it)
which in turn creates layers to the manga itself
Active member
Jan 5, 2020
@elefantine97 oo i actually think yuka's a 'he', because it seems like they don't really have a problem with being a male, but rather, he just enjoys crossdressing and refusing gender norms, rather than being trans? though, either way, i totally agree with you and how their personal issues are being incorporated into this manga and its theme as a whole!
Dex-chan lover
Sep 7, 2018
@mytosis yeah
although i wouldn't say 'he' has no issue with being a guy, he goes by Yuka, and hates his male name, and dates guys for validation, it's pretty common behavior
but perspective is a matter of experience, i suppose, and thus we'd have different perspectives and thus different interpretation
just like an art piece
Jan 19, 2018
What the hell, I was so confused when he kept referring to Yuka as "he". So he/she's trans? How the fuck did I not notice that until now

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