Blue Period - Vol. 5 Ch. 18 - Wandering Knife

Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
Yuka-chan needs some hugs. Can I give Yuka-chan a hug? I might get stung but worth.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
@A-tan maybe the specific assignment she got was frustrating or they didn't allow certain tools that were her forte... The fact that Yuka attended but decided to leave must be with the topic or the teachers I guess.
Double-page supporter
Jan 21, 2018
@Serenata True, I didnt think too much about that. If it were the case, it would talk about the weakness of his will, in a way.

Just like Kuwana said this chapter: If you arent ready for a highly competitive stage, sometimes is better to just drop the race. Is not going to be the end of the world and you can still do the thing you are passionate about.

Ryuji, however, seems to have more complex issues going on to the point he refuses to do art at all.

Luckily, Yatora seems to want to get involved in the mess that is his life so hopefully he can give him some very needed support/a shoulder to cry on.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 1, 2018
>If you are not going to keep going then dont. He just made himself suffer for reasons we still have to see.

I will use myself as an example, without getting into details. I was once in that spot, where you have a passion, then you have to give it up, for whatever reason, and brother/sister I'll tell you, that hurts more than anything I've ever experienced, and you keep trying to hold on to it, despite knowing you're not helping anyone, but you can't just let go... And then... It doesn't matter anymore, you don't love it, in fact you begin to hate the very thing that you've always loved.
I do believe, in my case my will was weak, but I don't think that's Ryuji's case. Now, what @Serenata said can be true, but I don't believe it's enough to make her stop attending classes or giving up on the exam

Oh, and we still have to take in consideration Ryuji's sexuality and gender issues. It is, most likely, of great importance, and surely affects her state of mind, influencing other aspects of her life, such as art. Jesus, I can't begin to imagine what could be going in the mind of someone in that position... Must be hellish
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 10, 2019
Really can't wait for the next update, this is probably one of my favourite series rn
Aggregator gang
Apr 10, 2019
The art always makes me feel floating. But some scenes just grounds you as they're so dense and heavy
Nov 12, 2018
I'm not into BL but damn do I wanna see Ryuji get together with him.

All aboard the Yuka×Yatora ship
Double-page supporter
Apr 24, 2018
wonder if he's ever gonna stop calling yuka ryuji

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