Blue Period - Vol. 5 Ch. 19 - Unlike You

May 21, 2019
@Grog But beyond his cross-dressing nothing about him comes off as trans. At the very least he's gay but he never tells anyone to address him as a woman. People in real life who crossdress but who are not trans and this has been a huge part of Japanese manga for decades. I'm not saying he can't be trans it and if it comes out that he identifies as a woman all the address him as such. But without any more to go on than the fact that he crossdresses and his parents don't like that I don't think it's fair to say that he's trans.
Dec 20, 2018
@los0032 getting pissed when ur called ur birth name is something else that stood out to me the first time we see the mc talk to her- this is called deadnaming and its a shitty thing to do, but more importantly in this context is so oddly specific that i cant just dismiss the fact that yuka basically chooses a new name and has everyone around her refer to her in a feminine way- the mcs failure to do so even is a point of contention
Aug 21, 2018

So not being called your desired name = trans?

There's plenty of people in the world who don't like their birthname. And would most likely get a bit upset if deadnamed by it.

His parents don't like his hobby, so he might not like his birth name for that reason.

It's alright if you want to headcannon him as trans dude, but don't put evidence on the table that could have a million other different reasons that could be for and just call him trans. Nobody will take you seriously.

Unless he says in some way he wants to be a girl. This doesn't have to be said towards any character hell it can be his inner monologue. Maybe then we could talk about this being a trans character.
Jun 6, 2018
@smolbaka: "There's plenty of people in the world who don't like their birthname. And would most likely get a bit upset if deadnamed by it." "Deadnaming" is almost exclusively referring to trans/LGBT identity. Do you actually know a cisgender person who gets upset over someone deadnaming them?

"His parents don't like his hobby" There's "don't like his hobby" and then there's physically abusing them and telling him to "go back to normal." You can coast on plausible deniability all you want but to deny the obvious parallels...

"Unless he says in some way he wants to be a girl." That's not how being trans works, and the fact that he dresses like a woman and gave themselves a distinctly more feminine name than "Ryuji" easily leads creence to this.

"it can be his inner monologue." No one in a well-written story like this would say "I'm suffering because I'm transgender" in their heads for no reasons. That is the purpose of all the implications, nevermind that it is a plot point that Yutora does not exactly know what's going on.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 19, 2018
I also think Yuka is likely to be trans, but I think it's very intentional of the author to leave it ambiguous and not put a label on it, since the reader's confusion as to how to describe Yuka would probably mirror Yuka's own feelings.
Jun 6, 2018
Here's some fun related trivia on the cover page: the drawing is based on Edvard Munch's Puberty. According to Wikipedia:

Munch's painting Puberty depicts a young naked girl sitting on the edge of a bed. [...] . The motif is often regarded as a symbol of anxiety and fear, a young girl's awakening sexuality and the changes a young person experiences physically and psychologically on the path towards adulthood.
Dec 20, 2018
@BeenKaine part of what i love abt this manga is how really how dedicated it is to having this all be framed from yatora’s perspective, his flaws and all,,,,, god im excited to see where this goes and what yatora learns
Double-page supporter
Feb 8, 2018
This always gets the gears in my brain going. Dang this chapter is great

The drowning metaphor to describe Yatora's personality is so fitting, though I'm not like him personality-wise, I'd still go get the life preserver coz I can't swim properly to save my life lol.
Yuka-chan is really in a bind. He can't freely do as he pleases coz while his grandma is the only one nice to him, she's the only 'shackle' keeping him in their household. Ironic really. Wonder how his little trip with Yatora will help him

Thanks to Boredome Society for this update!
Sep 22, 2018
Those two are the only characters in this series that matter to me. I don't care about any of the other characters.
Jan 18, 2018
if nothing else these kids got the art school kid vibe goin

top tier characters

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