Boku no Namae wa "Shounen A" - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2018
man poor kid, he kept silent so no one would know abiut what happened to her, but in doing so he took all the blame and the teacher was framed as innocent victim..... fucking A, thks for picking this up

@NizzBizz the police in japan work differently, he confessed so they probably didnt even try to learn more than surface facts, also she already got raped once, the mc stopped the 2nd attempt
Active member
Mar 11, 2020
@Hollow7F no I’m pretty sure she wasn’t raped yet and the first time was to get the blackmail then he was gonna rape her the second time and got caught by the Mc and killed also that doesn’t make any sense just because Japan has a different justification system doesn’t mean they can do there jobs halfassed I’m pretty sure the crime ALWAYS gets investigated first before the trial
Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2018
@NizzBizz yeah they investigate a bit, but not all the way, the justice system is fucked over there, from forced guilty declarations to surface lvl investigations, they care more about making an arrest than getting the actual criminal, also im sorry but she was raped

here we see the teacher unbuttoning his pants
here shes laying in the ground with fluids on her legs and the teacher is panting and threatens her with videos and photos while hes fully dressed so its just after it, so yeah she was raped, it sucks but it already happened

hell if u wanna argue that penetration didnt happen, she still was sexually assaulted, sorry
Jan 24, 2018
There is popular social bullying of Japanese, just throw bullies upon the family of murderer without care more the details in order to sink the family to bottom of social while the bulliers enjoy it.
Dec 27, 2018
@Tamerlane Unfortunately, I will not. I mentioned this on the first page. I just wanted to do 1 Chapter. Ya know, like an advertisement, since Death Toll Scans said they WILL pick this up IF they can fill in some missing staff positions. Frankly, I am a complete amateur in this space. But most importantly, I don't know the language well enough to translate this properly. To complete a single chapter takes a ridiculous amount of time and it's a huge pain. It would be much better to leave it to an existing group which knows what they're doing.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
It pisses me off that no one apparently told the truth of what happened.
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
Actually I think she's been raped/assaulted 4 times, as in the previous chapter he says "since this is the 4th time I thought you got it" So it's been an ongoing thing before he got whacked.
Jan 18, 2018
The writing looks stupid. So many ways for the truth to come out, but none of it does. Why does the MC say nothing? Why does the girl say nothing? What happened to the evidence? The phone? What the heck are the cops doing? Why isn't anyone mentioning how weird the girl was acting earlier? This makes so little sense and it stinks of everyone acting like idiots for the sake of the plot because the author couldn't think of a way to make the plot happen otherwise.

I don't trust any author to write anything decent when they rely so much on idiot ball carrying to further their plot. Despite that, I couldn't help myself and needed to know the ending because my curiosity got the better of me. Angry rambling and final volume spoilers, feel free to ignore it, but I needed to get this off my chest.

I skimmed only the last volume so I'm missing stuff, but I really have no motivation to read the rest after so meh. I'll be honest, I checked out for most of the volume as well since what I did read really pissed me off. It's that bad. I'm pretty mad at myself for even wasting my time reading this.

The ending is retarded. The story is retarded. The girl is the one who actually killed the teacher. The MC wanted to protect her so he pretended he was the one who did it. He sacrificed his friends and family in order to do this because... he really wanted to protect her I guess? He says stuff at the end, but doesn't give any good reason for what he did other than that. She said nothing because she's a selfish bitch. Her mom basically guessed the truth, but was in denial because that would've meant she didn't notice that her daughter was getting raped. She falls apart when the truth comes out. The MC's sister suffers a lot because of her association with him. The MC's mom suffers a lot for the same reason. A whole bunch of people suffer because of his lies. The only reason why things come out is because the son of the dead guy comes looking for revenge, finds out the truth while doing research, and basically pushes the MC to tell the truth after knifing the selfish bitch into a coma. And even then the MC doesn't learn from his mistakes and hides the evidence the dead guy's son gave him that could've proved his innocence, even as he tells some news guy what actually happened. He then goes on to lie to protect a lesbian girl who tried to kill him by pushing him in front of a car. She was in love with the selfish bitch and hated the MC for telling the truth since she wanted to protect the selfish bitch. He only doesn't die because the car she pushed him in front of stops in time. I have absolutely no idea why he lied to protect the random lesbian girl he hadn't ever had any contact with except once over someone else's phone, it makes no sense. The selfish bitch wakes up and also covers for the lesbian chick, because... I dunno. The selfish bitch tells her mom that the MC was telling the truth, the cops show up to question her, but her mom pushes the cops out. The main story ends with the MC telling the selfish bitch that it's probably better if they never meet again. So they apparently don't, parting on good terms despite the selfish bitch absolutely fucking up the MC's life with her lies and the MC having basically sacrificed himself and everyone around him for her.

Epilogue. Selfish bitch ends up living a decent life giving talks about being a rape victim and stuff. Other rape victims look up to her and tell her they admire her and understand her feeling of wanting to kill their rapist. She sort of ends up with another guy from high school that I don't know because he barely appears in volume 4 (they're not going out, but he's in love with her). The police still apparently don't want to admit to being wrong so the MC is still considered guilty since there's apparently no evidence to the contrary. It's not entirely clear if the selfish bitch even ever told the truth. She seems to have mentioned it in her rape victim story, but who knows since it's never actually shown and never stated. The MC at least apparently never revealed any of the evidence he hid. The MC's sister apparently had a kid with the dead guy's son? Not sure since I only skimmed the last volume and that apparently happened earlier, but her life is pretty fucked up because of the MC (the MC knew who his sister was going out with, but said nothing while he fucked her to get closer to the MC... wtf?). Like, she's okay, but she's struggling since she has to support herself and their mom is old. She says she'll likely never 100% forgive the MC, but she'll try. The MC becomes a cook and gets with some black haired chick called Kawai from high school who apparently supported him a lot, though I don't know much about her since she barely appears in volume 4 so that's how much she mattered. The story ends with the news reporting on some other kids murdering someone, which the MC ignores and then goes to work.

It's really not a good story and the MC is not likable at all. He's this crying whiny little baby that lets everyone get away with everything because he doesn't want to hurt people. He then smiles and pretends everything worked out fine even as everyone around him struggles to piece their lives together because of his lies. People freaking praise him for his actions, wtf author? What kind of message is the author trying to send here? That it's okay to destroy the lives of your friends and family by lying in order to protect some chick you don't even care enough about to even stay with at the end? That lying till the end and keeping the truth from surfacing is the best way to handle things? Wtf? I don't even know.

Maybe there's more in the rest of the volumes. But I really doubt it. And looking at some comments by others who have read the story, I have absolutely no interest in finding out. Unless you feel masochistic and want to read a story about a PoS MC as he fucks himself up along with his friends and family for no good reason, don't bother reading this.

Or for those who don't want spoilers, I wouldn't recommend reading this. I thought it was a dumpster fire.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
@Tamerlane I think that part is over exaggerated cause that was just one scene and she started crying right after it both of them cried a lot tbh. I just checked the raws so I don't really know the dialogue but the privately talked multiple times and cried all the time when that ever happen. though the guy below me seems to explain everything or above depending if you see this through the normal comment or see all comment
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
I won't dispute the rest, but as for "why doesn't she/mc say anything?" "Why isn't anyone noticing how weird she's acting", I'll just say from experience as someone who has survived sexual assault, it's difficult. Very, very difficult, to talk about it. Especially so I imagine in Japan where the whole "shame" aspect comes in a lot harsher.
My experience was much younger than this so that might have been part of it, but I straight up repressed the memories for many years, until random things triggered me. Even when triggered though, I instinctively buried down the feelings because I was unable to deal with them. I didn't want anyone to know, even if a part of me knew I was the victim and not to blame for any of it. It was embarrassing and stressful to even think about it, let alone tell anyone. MC probably knows this, somehow, and doesn't want to "out" her. Irrational, yes, but understandable to some degree.

I also became very good at making excuses for any odd behaviors when I did get triggered. I remember having a meltdown in the doctors office because she wanted to do a physical examination and I convinced my mom the only reason I acted like that was because I was upset she took me out of school to go to the doctor because my class was having a party or something. There was no party. I took being grounded for misbehaving over telling my mother about what had happened to me years prior. Being punished was a better result than outing myself as being abused in my mind, and let me tell you I was a good kid who didn't want my parents to be disappointed in me. I still to this day have never told my direct family members about it because I don't want them to blame themselves for what happened.
It took until I was 22 years old to talk about it frankly, and even still very few people who actually know me and not just as "gomi-chan on the internet" know about it.

It's kind of like asking why the battered spouse doesn't just get a divorce. Its one of those things that no matter what your feelings are as an outsider looking in, you'll never truly know how you'll react unless it happens to you.
Jan 18, 2018
Thank you for sharing your story. I can't imagine how difficult it is to do so, even on the internet. Good on you for working through it as much as it seems you have. I hope you are able to one day get to the point that you're able to feel comfortable enough to talk to your family about it.
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
Hey no problem man, I hear it a lot, "why don't victims just come forward" and it's a sentiment I totally understand coming from people who've never experienced it so I don't begrudge them. It does seem really easy to just report it in theory, but the reality of it all is so personal and varies from person to person. And its hard to explain to others because it's not as easy as just having them imagine what they'd do in that situation, because whatever it is you imagine can be completely different when you're faced with the actual raw feelings of it all.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 30, 2018
The teacher was clearly the criminal here. Dude what the heck. This feels contrived.

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