Boku no Suki na Hito ga Suki na Hito - Ch. 20

Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
Well, this seals the deal. Our ML is a hopeless M and nobody can do ANYTHING about it, LOL. I kinda figured he was into abusive treatment. Look at when other girls are nice to him ... my guy isn't phased at all. Tell him how much of a piece of shit he is ... rock hard.
That's depressing and kinda makes me wanna drop this. Guys like this that can pull girls like nobody's business but are completely subservient to a girl who obviously (At least to people in general) has none to little interest in him is a dynamic I find disgusting and pathetic. Same if it was reverse but to lesser extent. It doesn't help the girl he likes has been an absolute cunt for most of this series. Any guy with an ounce of sense would've given up and just kept his distance and move on especially when he has so many better options. Chasing after someone who's made it clear multiple times (At least she thinks) Only likes someone else and not getting the hint is kinda bleh and makes him look really stupid and dumb.

It's like an abusive relationship without being an abusive relationship.
Group Leader
Jul 20, 2018
Yeah I mean it sure looks like they all kind of like each other
I feel Asahi expression and what she said is a little too in your face to not mean she's now finally falling for Myaa
I think y'all are misinterpreting a bit. At the end, it felt like she was blushing over Sora, hence the "you've always been true to yourself" immediately trailing the "of course you'd fall for her" as the stinger at the end of the chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
I think y'all are misinterpreting a bit. At the end, it felt like she was blushing over Sora, hence the "you've always been true to yourself" immediately trailing the "of course you'd fall for her" as the stinger at the end of the chapter.
Hum, you make a fair point, it really is too early to say it's gonna complete the triangle, I guess it'll be made obvious soon on where it'll go with the love triangle, at least I expect Myaa to have more focus from now on, so the question is where things will go for Asahi
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2020
You fools. You've been tricked this whole time! They've been flirting right under our noses and we didn't even notice. Every word of vitriol hiding secret whispers of love that we are just too sane to comprehend.
Better get instituted because you are strait jackin it
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2020
Ok, to be a bit more serious here, I feel I should explain the translation on page 25. What I've translated as "You are absolved." was originally「お疲れ様でした」(Otsukaresamadeshita). I spent an ungodly amount of time agonizing over this choice. As any good weeb knows, this can mean "good work", said to a colleague at the end of the day. It can also, frustratingly, mean a huge amount of related but not entirely equivalent things (only second in vagueness to the dreaded yoroshiku onegaishimasu).

At first glance, you might say we can just directly translate it as "good work", but to me this is not encapsulating the entire nuance of the line. Let's look at what Miya is actually saying. It's at once an acknowledgement of Sora carrying the guilt of blaming himself for his brother's passing, but also an assurance that he need suffer no longer (the past tense でした is used implying the topic at hand is finished). What it isn't, however, is an expression of appreciation from Miya, or saying anything about Sora's efforts personally benefiting Miya, which is how the phrase is usually used.

So what does "good work" mean? Sora is not doing work or putting in effort per se. You could say "good job bearing that burden" or "good job handling that guilt", but this seems to imply that all of that suffering was for some purpose or fruitful in some way. This is not the right nuance, in my opinion. Sora's self inflicted guilty conscience does not benefit anyone, and translating this line with any sort of positive affirmation is, in my opinion, wrong. Furthermore, none of these options fulfil the second half of the meaning, an acknowledgment that Sora's ordeal is at an end.

So considering all of this, I went with "You are absolved." which doesn't look like it's related to the original text in any way, but it conveys the two meanings in my interpretation: an acknowledgement of Sora's ordeal, and also an assurance that the ordeal is over. The tradeoff being I don't think this is at all realistic for a high school student to say in that situation, which is a factor I do consider when translating dialogue. I've racked my brain to try to provide a concise line that conveys all the nuance of what I believe the original conveys, and there are of course flaws with my final decision. I hope you can see how much thought is put into the translation, and why MTL/AI/translators who don't speak either language fluently are not good for anyone's enjoyment of the medium.

TL;DR I made it up :meguu:
That line was perfect along with that spread. The line "You don't have to blame yourself anymore" and then followed by "good work" would sound jarring.
"You are absolved" was great and really gives a deeper impression that it was acknowledged.
Thank you for the TL and the effort that you've given for this series is highly appreciated. ❤️
Dex-chan lover
May 20, 2023
So that's why Sora loves her. Hrm.

Things are getting snarled up between the three mains, though. They're all so big-hearted in their own ways, I'm worried what will happen when all their feelings get laid bare. Should be fun, though... 🤭
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
Same energy as going into a yuri story and making the heroine's straight. Someone should do that to make yuri fags rage 😏
Not same energy because Myaa being in love with Asahi was established from the beginning, the yuri was always a possibility no matter how much some whined about it.

The opposite is basically never the case for yuri, rare exceptions aside.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2023
That's depressing and kinda makes me wanna drop this. Guys like this that can pull girls like nobody's business but are completely subservient to a girl who obviously (At least to people in general) has none to little interest in him is a dynamic I find disgusting and pathetic. Same if it was reverse but to lesser extent. It doesn't help the girl he likes has been an absolute cunt for most of this series. Any guy with an ounce of sense would've given up and just kept his distance and move on especially when he has so many better options. Chasing after someone who's made it clear multiple times (At least she thinks) Only likes someone else and not getting the hint is kinda bleh and makes him look really stupid and dumb.

It's like an abusive relationship without being an abusive relationship.
So, from the way I can see it, Miya basically promised to be MC's wife, since they always complain about every little thing their husbands do with as much toxicity as vitriol.

... I don't envy his position, and I'm about right there with you on dropping this.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
Not same energy because Myaa being in love with Asahi was established from the beginning, the yuri was always a possibility no matter how much some whined about it.

The opposite is basically never the case for yuri, rare exceptions aside.
I mean sure but that doesn't mean Asahi is gay or has ever had any indication of seeing Myaa as anything more than a close friend. Unless the author wants to change "close friend" to "potential love interest" through sheer ass pull. Because unless this girl has shown any inclination of seeing girls in a sexual light that isn't sheer bait. Myaa will never get her interested in her.
So, from the way I can see it, Miya basically promised to be MC's wife, since they always complain about every little thing their husbands do with as much toxicity as vitriol.

... I don't envy his position, and I'm about right there with you on dropping this.
Yep. It might be because I've seen this dynamic in real that I just find it disgusting. Even in manga where shit is fantastical I just can't get behind this dynamic. Seeing actual dudes act like this makes me sick. It's just sheer patheticness that any guy would look at you and say. "Wtf are you doing!?"
Honestly, as a hobbyist writer, this makes my creator senses tingling. Writing this down for later.
Do it. Be unabashedly gay about the heroines sexuality but leave just a tiny smidge of hints that the series could go the straight route and then bam. Hit the reader hard with the revelation that both (or one) is straight (or bisexual) for a dude that both have positive (or negative) attitudes towards. The amount of drama you could get from that would be palpable. Oh and the guy in question has to be charming, physical, attractive etc etc. No way in hell a normal dude is gonna turn gay girls straight 😏

It's a shame it never happens in the manga industry. But yuri characters in non yuri stories plague romcoms.
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Double-page supporter
Jan 30, 2018
Miya haters owned with facts and logic
*by nonsensical writing that says "ACKSHUALLY being a physically abusive tsundere that tries to fuck over your crush's love life is being a good friend because the guy was literally asking for it"


This is like saying the fucked up abusive (and actually illegal) relationship between the leads in 50 shades of grey is fine because "the lady was actually into it the whole time".

Not same energy because Myaa being in love with Asahi was established from the beginning, the yuri was always a possibility no matter how much some whined about it.

The opposite is basically never the case for yuri, rare exceptions aside.
No one who could understand basic media literacy actually thought that Asahi X Myaa with Sora left out in the cold was ever a real possibility (especially when Myaa utterly refused to do ANYTHING to actually confess to or seduce her crush who likewise never thought about her in a romantic or sexual way)

The idea is about as stupid as the idiots who said Suletta and Miorine would never end up together because "how is forcing two straight girls into an arranged marriage yuri".
"no one think Korra was good", the irony of you telling others to not kid themselves, stay mad loser, gays will not go anywhere no matter how much your ilk whine about it
No one with taste thinks Korra was good because the writers were high on the "enlightened centrist" bullshit compared to the original's writers.

That's why all racism is solved forever by electing Not!Barrack Obama and the leader of the "non-benders are discriminated against" rebellion is exposed as an evil hypocritical bender and his followers leave him.
Hell the Korrasami ship had to be confirmed on a Tumblr post from the creator because of how out of left field it was. If that doesn't tell you the series was a shit show nothing will.
anyone who knows about Korra's ending knows it was because of Nickledeon's censorship fucking over any attempt at showing and developing lesbian pairing on screen :V
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
who knows about Korra's ending knows it was because of Nickledeon's censorship fucking over any attempt at showing and developing lesbian pairing on screen :V
Kinda disagree. That's cope. Even if censorship was a thing there still should've been more focus to see the relationship in that way. Otherwise you wouldn't need to confirm it outside of the stated media.

Just look at ATLA censoring themselves about genocide but still managed to get the point across that Aang is the last Airbender. It's possible to do they just didn't do it and just shoehorned in a gay ending
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2023
Do it. Be unabashedly gay about the heroines sexuality but leave just a tiny smidge of hints that the series could go the straight route and then bam. Hit the reader hard with the revelation that both (or one) is straight (or bisexual) for a dude that both have positive (or negative) attitudes towards. The amount of drama you could get from that would be palpable. Oh and the guy in question has to be charming, physical, attractive etc etc. No way in hell a normal dude is gonna turn gay girls straight 😏

It's a shame it never happens in the manga industry. But yuri characters in non yuri stories plague romcoms.
It's a weird unspoken rule where guys shouldn't interfere with yuri relationships in mangas, but if he's just there and if it's one (or both) 'yuri' girls giving him some type of attention that bowls over into something else, then boom, we might just have the premise of a story. This might be good. 🤓🖋

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