Booty Royale: Never Go Down Without A Fight! - Vol. 6 Ch. 37 - I Like Being A Woman After All

Group Leader
Feb 1, 2018
@CronosusCZ Don't worry, even If she didn't, I bet Akira did
@Elianor Don't worry, you're not alone. Thing is that us enthusiasts generally have less time to waste than certain naysayers here
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2019
thank you for another great chapter, way to go Akira avenge your waifu. I will admit it was less then ideal how Akira initially pursued Misora but you can see as the series goes on she truly does love and care for Misora and will stick by her and be understanding to the plights her personal karate weather girl keeps finding herself in.

I still low key think its a bummer that nothing developed between Misora and the taekwando expert from the movie but oh well Akira is moving up the ranks for me.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@DjAlexDubCheck Maybe, but this is not the last chapter with this subplot. As far as the "naysayers" are concerned, I don't think anyone can be proud of the fact that they don't have time to think about what they are reading.

@Krune As you said yourself, Misora ​​is now her "personal karate girl" so she can switch to her "ara ara persona" instead of being possessive. Rui was never subtle about Akira's duplicity, it was even played as her "funny gimmick", so I don't understand why you think this is such an achievement. Not to mention the fact that with such a girlfriend, she clearly cannot be wiafu of some men, lol.

@Elianor Of course, the author did not want to use rape as a fetish or justify it in any way. Exept that in the last volume he wrote about the lesbian context as a loophole for adding lewd content to manga, yes. This is actually a chapter on the idol industry at all.

@Alice_is_lost So "great" that she'll even brainwash you if you try to escape lol.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2019
@SuperOniichan it shows she does care and like I said the relationship didn't start on the best terms but she does care enough about Misora to not blame her in the least for what Misora feels to be a large betrayal on her part and she even went as far as to get back at Hatsumin in Misora's stead because she knows Misora wouldn't be able to do it herself because of her beliefs and personality. You do see the possessive aspect again from what I've heard in the next chapter as well as a little insecurity. Not a big fan of this pairing or yuri being in this series in general? I like it I think it diverges enough from what you would normally expect in a series like this especially with a character like Misora so I'll cheer it on when it shown to work. I just hope we get more examples of Misora being loyal to this relationship and being able to stick up for successfully and be there for Akira as well.

And yes I do remember when Akira was helping Misora with her femininity lessons.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@Krune In your opinion, is it an achievement not to blame your lover for being raped? And it didn't bother you that she herself manipulated Misora ​​for sex in the past? For example, when she first encouraged her desire to become sex friends, but immediately said that it was impossible, when Misora ​​decided that friends shouldn't do it and decided to leave? This is exactly the kind of relationship you can expect from such a grotesque ecchi. You try to find the ideal of romance in them, but you are really just romanticizing the yuri version of the bastard boyfriend. And I will remind you that Akira has an excellent legal education, so she is fully aware of her actions. Also, if you like it that much,
Misora ​​will cheat on her at least twice in the future, while Akira will force her to trheesome in the weird NTR way.

Are you talking about the case when Akira forcibly made cunnilingus to her? Too fat, man.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2019
@SuperOniichan in the case of knowing several examples of IRL relationships and quite a few in manga leading to the couple where one partner was the victim of that breaking up as soon as the other became aware, yes I do. I've never claimed they had a perfect relationship. But plenty of couples in mangas have had variations of that happen during the course of their relationships couples in other Rui's series have had that happen during the course of their relationships. Its an ecchi manga from an at times fairly lewd mangaka about the seedier and at times despicable nature and events that occur in the entertainment industry which are in turn blown out of proportion. If everything was prim and proper all the time Rui wouldn't be doing a capable job of driving home how difficult and hazardous in multiple ways it is to pursue that lifestyle and how regardless what your dreams originally are they seldom if ever work out especially without being perverted in some sense. The couple is better then several of the other alternatives that Misora could have ended up with and Akira does make her happy and I believe from what is shown Akira loves her back I would honestly rather have Misora be in a long term struggling relationship with Akira then end up with say Sarah where she's viewed as a combination conquest/trophy/security blanket or with say Vlad.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@Krune Huh, if "could be worse" is your only excuse for their relationship, then that says a lot. Especially the Sarah comparison lol. It's a choice of bad and very bad, but personally I am at least closer to a mature toxic friend Sarah than a manipulative partner who has brainwashed you for years to make you own girlfriend. The way she obsessively treated Misora ​​as a desirable lover is not much better than how Sarah saw her as a trophy, though. Not to mention that Akira was her only love interest at the moment, your fantasies about pairing her with other toxic characters like that Korean girl (who tried molested her and the other girls even more brazenly than Akira ever) doesn't count. Unless you're comparing Akira to those abusive assholes who wanted to rape her or make her a sex slave, of course.

You can justify their relationship as much as you like by the fact that at least for the moment Misora ​​is happy in their relationship, but you should not forget and romanticize Akira after all her duplicity and psychological manipulations.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2019
@SuperOniichan You never answered my earlier questions. I take it going forward your going be the Corneel Herman for this particular series?
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@Krune Questions? What are you talking about? At first you were obsessed with the idea that Misora ​​would be with that Korean girl, now you are trying to romanticize toxic people like Akira. It's like you're reading some other manga.
Dex-chan lover
May 22, 2019
Hara Akira be like: you want to mess up my private life? fine! i'll mess up your business one!

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