A journalist/reporter and paparazzi are two different things for me. The former is about seeking and spreading the truth, while the latter is about creating stories of intrigue. The journalist has credibility, and integrity, and therefor trust. The Paparazzi has latest rumors and pictures or things of interest.
This Guy clearly only sees the coin. How many papers he can sell, and the possibility of being a publicity manager (riding on the coat tails and scooping up all the coin along the way). Why would anyone not want to be in the limelight, and become a public icon. This should be every adventurers dream! He doesn't understand the MC nor is he trying. He is just blinded by his view.
There are assassins after the girl and having their positions being public knowledge and mobbed wherever they go is dangerous. I'm not really sure telling the paparazzi guy this will do anything more than cause more trouble.