Boushoku-Hi no Ken - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - [Like Zariosu]

Nov 18, 2018
I love this artstyle it makesthe goblins and other monsters actually something i would be scared of
Aggregator gang
Aug 6, 2018
ima bout to be realy edgey so forgivr me but powwer without ideals are garbage and ideals without powwer are worthless sentimate
- a fucken slime
Dex-chan lover
Mar 18, 2019
"If you do that you will be just like him." Man, and I liked the art and story so much...
Fed-Kun's army
May 30, 2019
I too believe that people should not face any consequences for their actions
Double-page supporter
Apr 18, 2018
I fuxking new it, I've read enough of this to know it would happen. This still is good enough to continue reading, and the childhood friend plot


Thanks for the chapter
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2018
@tastythighs Eh, MC didn't kill him last time, and just letting him die would be a sour taste in his mouth, I can accept that. (Especially since, as we see, the threat wasn't that much of a challenge anyway. I.e. running away would have been cowardly, and being a coward just to let someone else die - is pretty much what we're supposed to hate the floorcrook for in the first place).

Would be a nice touch if mangaka remembers the pondscum later and has one of the three bring some karmic retribution upon him later (whether it's ostracism, jailtime, maiming or death) just to add some extra consequence - but I figure he's likely to have a hard time recruiting new people once this gets out (she has no reason to shut up about it), and even if not, then PTSD is probably looming in the wings.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Gotta let the trash go back to the guild so the dude he left to die this time can clear things up and the trash can be taken out by the guild. Never soil your own hands when you don't have to.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
Gilbert deserves it, but leaving him behind makes Dean guilty of the same thing Gilbert did. He's a better person than that and he could afford his ideals now with his new powers.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 9, 2020
in this case i don't mind MC saved the guy because it would lead to MC hating himself if he didn't, but please author, if you make that guy target/hurt the girl or MC that would be bullshit.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 24, 2019
leaving him behind makes Dean guilty of the same thing Gilbert did
Leaving a murderer to die in a situation of his own making is the same thing as throwing your comrade to his death as monster bait.

Okay pal. You're just as bad as these hack writers.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
Dean was never thought of as a "comrade". He was their mule.

Regardless of Dean's role and status at the time, he was still a person, just like Gilbert.
If leaving a person behind would make Gilbert a murderer, what would that make of Dean?
Dean doesn't want to become a murderer either.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 24, 2019
They ventured out and worked together, thus making him a form of "comrade", no matter the subjective view of those involved. But you're right, it's besides the point.

If leaving a person behind would make Gilbert a murderer, what would that make of Dean?
Scenario 1:
The Situation: They were part of the same expedition group.
The Action: Dean wasn't "left behind", Gilbert used a spell on him and physically threw him at the chasing enemies in order to escape.
The Personal: Dean has done nothing to Gilbert

Situation 2:
The Situation: Dean randomly stumbles upon Gilbert in a situation Dean had no hand whatsoever in creating.
The Action: Dean would not have to act at all and Gilbert would still die. (Not throwing yourself in front of truck-kun to save the 6 year old kid does not make you a murderer).
The Personal: Gilbert attempted to murder Dean.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
Since Dean went into an inner-monologue about hating Gilbert's way of life of sacrificing others and deciding that he wouldn't want to do that too, it seemed like leaving Gilbert behind would have been an act of sacrificing him.
Running away from monsters seems to be difficult enough that a party would need a "bait" (e.g. Dean) or a rearguard (e.g. Belzebuth). I think there was an implication that leaving Gilbert behind would have been the same as using him as bait.

Well, it wouldn't be murder, but it could be manslaughter. Whatever it could be called, the point was that Dean wouldn't be able to live with himself later on with guilt/regret and he doesn't want that.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
@jonsmth bullshit

Lets put it in modern terms.

There is a house fire and you have limited time to scape. Then we have 2 scenarios.

a) someone forces another person to stay at the burning house with a fire extinguisher. The fire extinguiser won't put out the fire but by exausting it a few seconds are earned so the others can scape.

b) Someone jumps into the burning house to loot some money or goods and gets caught. There is a chance to rescue that person but it would put everyone else in danger.

The (a) scenario is a case of murder because someone is forcing another into danger against their will. The (b) scenario is not nearly the same because the person who got caught did it knowingly and actually trying to help that person would be actually negligence.

This chapter was exactly as the (b) scenario. The MC had no responsibility to save the douchebag and the douchebag won't have a change of heart just because his douche ways got him into safety. Quite the opposite it will only prove him that he can be as douchebag and even attempt to murder others and not only get away with it but get rewarded for it.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
Someone jumps into the burning house to loot some money or goods and gets caught
Just a nitpick, but that someone didn't jump into a burning house. He went into a normal house and then it went up in flames. Both Gilbert's party and Dean's party went in there thinking that they could actually take on the Maimai. They were even competing for it. It only went bad - went up in flames so to speak - when Gilbert got incapacitated, and a group of hobgoblins just happen to walk into them.

not nearly the same because the person who got caught did it knowingly and actually trying to help that person would be actually negligence
I addressed this already that it is different. Rather than murder, it could be manslaughter. What I was originally suggesting was something more like, "How would have Dean thought about it?", and the answer to this was already in the manga.

Negligence may count for manslaughter, particularly by someone who has the duty to prevent the harm or death. Dean was already intent on saving another adventurer. He took it as his own duty, even when nobody expects him to. In his own words, "Even though nobody would blame me... I would blame myself." Relating this to your example, you could say that Dean was a firefighter. Firefighters can get charged for manslaughter due to negligence.

Now back to Dean...
It doesn't matter to him who the person is nor what others would think of him for his actions. He was doing it for his ideals. He didn't want to regret it later on. He's sticking to a path he won't be ashamed of. Is it stupid to do so? Not when he can materialize/summon a demon lord from another world. You could say that he's just greedy.

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