Boy's Abyss - Vol. 3 Ch. 21 - A Happy Future

Jul 19, 2019

Are you kidding? Serving her selfish desires would be considered ok if she wouln't be in a sexual relationship with a minor who's not mentally ok.
She's a teacher, supposedly a role model. She might have her issues, we all have, but there's other ways to help someone who's being suicidal without having to have sex with him. If she really cared for him, for reals, then she wouldn't put her own desires first. Therefore it seems she's taking advantage of him and his situation. And it's not like the sex is doing anything good to Reiji either, everytime they do it he looks depressed AF. It isn't helping him in any way.

She's even putting him in more danger. What if their situation is found out? She would atleast be fired and Reiji would be looked down by his friends and family. "Let's add more to his depression mood"

"if he founds love with other girl, he will be trapped, bound by that relationship"
Maybe trapped to be in town, it still wouldn't be good. But what if he founds a meaning in someone else? Because he still needs her help, he'll refrain from even trying.

What tells you even after leaving town the protagonist is able to brush everything aside and put that town/family on the past? He himself told Nagi if he would leave town and she procedeed with her suicide then he still wouldn't have anything to look for.
(it could be some foreshadowing)

We never know what might happen and how things might turn out.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 18, 2019
Broke her dreams in a single chapter. Damn author no chill
Active member
Jan 19, 2018
Y'know, at least Hatsukoi Zombie had a LITTLE bit of happiness before it got kinda dark. This series... Oofa doofa.
Dec 31, 2019
Why the fuck does the author have to lie to me in the fucking chapter title?!
I knew what the mood of this series was already by this point, so why even pretend that everything's going to be alright?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 7, 2018
Chaako exists to suffer...
why does this have to be this way
what has CHaakooooo done?
Chaako is best girl
this is just insane
i will right the author a sternly worded letter if this keeps up
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
I knew this chapter was going to be depressing. The juxtaposition between this chapter and last is pretty bad

I find all the main three female characters and their relation to MC interesting in they're all love interests but they all have wildly different philosophies and goals, each of which want him to become something they can influence, or reflect their own aspirations and desires which they project onto him.

Ironically, the only person in the town that doesn't see him, or any of them, as a tool is the author, who, though scummy, seems to appreciate individuals with strong convictions and wills, as he thinks Chako not sleeping with him and telling him off was a great choice, and doesn't particularly care what other people do.


I mostly agree, but I think the teacher has another plan in mind.

I think she wants to get pregnant so her mom will get off her back, but doesn't want anyone to know that the father is/was one of her students, so thinks MC is a golden opportunity to get away with it, as she can send him away to university, and then use some of the money to raise the kid. Hence why she doesn't want anyone to connect the dots, or have anyone get close to him.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2020
This is so well done, you really can feel what everybody is feeling without much thought, and the situations is still keep real somehow, everything can go to hell from here and i think i will still enjoying this


Active member
May 4, 2020
@lurielle everybody in this manga is pathetic. That is the point.
The teacher doesnt give a crap about him. It is just an exchange of favours. And the mc accepted this because He doesnt care who, he just wants help to get out of there.
Also, the situation with the teacher is stupid as fuck. It felt rushed, like somebody told the author to advance faster with the story.

Anyway, i dont care about those girls. I care more about the boy, his "friend", the idol and the novelist, and how the parents of the Mc are involved with this last guy.
Double-page supporter
Dec 23, 2018
i want reiji to end up with sensei anyone else? but from chapter 1 i guess he wants to go back to nagi... :(
May 3, 2018
Yeah, I thought she might fall to him eventually, but this made it hurt even more. Chako deserves to be happy for fuck's sake.
Jul 19, 2019

I mostly agree with you about the teacher. It might just not be her wanting some fun and adrenaline in her life, the pregnancy could be her ultimate goal.

About her not wanting him to get with anyone else is probablly because it might interfere with her goal, but I still believe she wants him only to herself.
In an older comment I explained that this story it's a parallel to the "Lover's Abyss" tale and how Reiji is suposelly the desired person by everyone. So her feeling jelous makes sense, as will Gen and many more...

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