Boy's Abyss - Vol. 4 Ch. 36 - Date

Group Leader
Apr 7, 2020
welp Sensei officially went full yandere lol what if we end with a fucked up threesome? lol
Dex-chan lover
Dec 24, 2019
I'm happy the way Chakko is drawn. Usually characters in manga are drawn slim or as fat blobs. It's nice to have a chubby who's still drawn attractive. (to me at least)
Active member
Feb 12, 2020
This is getting spicy. And his teacher is now a stalker. Thing are going great for this guy
Jun 10, 2018
I feel like Rei is just going to run away by himself at this point because these heifers are just pulling him every which way...geez, let the man breathe.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
You know I love this Manga, but It's lacking something, It's like They don't have thier own personal life. It's like they have nothing other than MC . Once they reveal thier problems , they stick to MC like there is no other way. This make the chances of other Charecters in the manga more lesser, even the FMC Nagi Aoe,(Suprised, right? She have lesser role than Esemori.) Is barely rememberable , she is just like a Plot device to start the story and later on a secondary Charecter.

The MC himself gets easily influenced by anyone , What Nagi told him, he started doing that, What Sensei told him, he did that, what's Chako's telling him, he's doing that. Does he even have a brain?

I hope they give Reiji A development Arc in future , he really needs it.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2020
Does everyone in this cursed town want to bang Rei and then commit suicide with him? It's impressive how he's still keeping his sanity this far, but this won't end well
Dex-chan lover
Dec 30, 2018
@Izunia. That explains how she found his house. Why is she in front of the room door where Reiji and Chako are staying? That's not Reiji's room. How did she get there? Did she follow them?!

@Robinisback Can't speak for the rest, but sensei is into MC because she doesn't have her own personal life. She's missed out on youth and is dumping all her savings into Reijicoin. Literally.
Dec 31, 2019
Trick them into agreeing to a threesome ultimatum, then escape when Sensei x Chako are making out. Yes, I know that is blatant heresy.
Mar 8, 2019
So the main conflict is the MC wanting to leave the small town (by suicide if necessary)... but what kind of small town has a mall? I don't get the sense of isolation and loneliness that they're trying to portray here.

Like there are background characters all the time but the main characters act like they're the only 5 people in the world. It feels way too dramatic. Unless wanting to run away from your problems is just a character flaw that every main character in this series suffers from.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 31, 2018
This dude getting used like tp to wipe these people's problems away goddamn so much guilt tripping its insane
Apr 29, 2020
To be fair, those elements that are "missing" from this story are what make it that much more compelling, the mental/emotional dependence displayed here isn't window-dressing.

Of course they're all gravitating around each other, they've latched onto each other as interactive supports. Note, that's not the same as an emotional support, interactive supports are anything that keep you from exiting, even if it's unhealthy.

The mental health issues aren't just there for the sake of a scene/plot point. It's not just another part of a character's day, and I feel that's very accurate to what these situations and mental issues look like in real life. It's all-encompassing, it's exhausting, and it's rarely a good experience.

As for Reiji's seeming lack of agency - just going with whatever he's told - well, he's a kid. A chronically depressed kid who is well past the "I want to die" phase and is now resigned to whichever path has the best chance of "getting out".

First it was Nagi with a mutual exit, then it was Sensei with a way out of the environment, then Chako with leaving the environment, and finally now his mother.

Remember, this is called "Boy's Abyss" for multiple reasons. It's not just about "The Boy's Abyss" but also "Those who get sucked into The Boy's Abyss". He is consumed by the "Abyss" but is also an "Abyss" consuming others.

God, this has to be one of the most depressing yet personally validating manga I've ever read. Not just the situations, but the consistent low notes, broken up by lower notes that then become the norm.

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