Boy's Abyss - Vol. 5 Ch. 41 - Drowned Body

Dec 6, 2019
Double dose of depression in a day? Inject that shit into my veins

It's looking good for us hoping for the Nagi route. She's clearly best girl.

Although I'm excited to see what Yuri is up to too. Gets better and better each chapter. Thanks for the translations!
Jul 29, 2018
Reiji really is a genderbent version of his mother. The Goddess of Salvation is up to something too. Poor Reiji. He really can't catch a break can he?
Dex-chan lover
May 7, 2019
Is it just me or do I think that our old man here is basically the most sane person introduced so far?
Also, good point.
Also also, is he the father?
Also also also, if he's not, then he's the most truthful boy of the story so far (if he had not fucked our protag's mom)
Dex-chan lover
Mar 12, 2019
It seems Reiji's mother saved Esemori when he tried to commit suicide. Later they apparently lived together, but for some reason their relationship went wrong. Also, Reiji probably isn't Esemori's son, looking at that cut-offed line, assuming it is Esemori is the one hitting him with an ashtray. There's also another option that Esemori is Reiji's father and it's another man who lived with them and hit him, but I think that's less likely.
Jun 1, 2020
What?? You need to reread previous chapters mate. The man with the ashtray is clearly the mother's abusive husband who was ran out of town. The paneling clearly meant to lead us to think that esemori is rei's bio dad.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 12, 2019
@Asymetrysatuone Yeah, I do need to reread them, I can't remember it that well. I assumed we never got the abusive husband's name or face, so perhaps Esemori was the husband. I went with the clue that Esemori smokes a lot and this chapter specifically pointed out that Reiji was hit with an ashtray. But you're probably right.
Double-page supporter
Sep 13, 2018
Well... now I'm concerned about the author's mental health
Feb 13, 2019
Reiji has an older brother - if Esemori and Reiji's mom ever had a kid when they were in high school it'd be more likely to be him. I'm thinking Gen's dad is more likely to be Reiji's real dad.

"I guess they've been pretty close since middle school.

Once your dad started focusing all his violence on you... Your mom had a talk with my dad.

My dad flipped his shit over it. Brought the hammer down on your pops." - Gen telling Reiji about the past in Chapter 31

The framing of the scene here in this chapter where Esemori notices the scar on Reiji's brow, followed by a flashback, definitely suggests that the abusive dad was Esemori. Going back to chapter 31, before Gen's storytime with Reiji, there's a single panel flashback to when Nagi said Reiji reminded her of Esemori right as Reiji asks Gen what his father (who skipped town) looked like. These signs point to Esemori as the abusive dad.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2019
Kinda looks like he is the man with cigar from the past but he isn't his real father, he might be the father of that second older son, then would Gen's father be also MC father? It kinda connects to his mother knowing him and telling he is a bad human.
Feb 4, 2018
Esemori now seems more like chaotic neutral which is different from how he appeared initially, all things considered. So the plot thickens.

@Tivoli TL community in a nutshell. Based²
Jun 1, 2020
Everyone saying that abusive dad is esemori smh.... how could it be that he wasn't recognized??? My patience is short.

Everyone saying gen's dad is mc father: his mother started sleeping with gen's dad after her husband left. And she didn't do it willingly. I doubt she ever had an affair with him 17 years ago.

Everyone saying anyone but esemori could be the dad: whether its true or misleading, the mangaka is clearly leading us into esemori is the dad conclusion.
Yeah the timing is still confusing especially in regard with the older bro. Did mom had an affair after have the bro or is the bro actually her step son?

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