Boy's Abyss - Vol. 5 Ch. 45 - The Holy Mother From That City


Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2019
Not only are a few screws loose upstairs, downstairs she got screwed so much she's loose.

This crazy bitch was the one making Rei shoulder the motherfucking burden while she was off getting fucked. No wonder your whole body hurts. ''Every break she has she uses to take care of her mother'' Those nightshifts she has, everybreak she gets, she goes out to sleep around while Reiji's probably peaking his mental capacity for the 14th time that night. Disgusting.
Aug 20, 2020
This poor kid has a whole gang of women grabbing him by the balls
Im really curious if this is gonna take a murder route, though the mom probably wont be the one to do it
Jul 26, 2020
regardless of how you feel the teacher is by far the person who is best for the MC future and despite what she does is the only one that can/will actually help him. You will understand when u read and if you are mature enough to understand things that lie beyond yandere and other dere and harem like girls but actually to help someone else to reach further in life

People who hate the teacher seem to not understand or dont care about the MC actually living happily becuase no one else except for chako even gives his future any thought. She even says he can leave her after and that she wants him to be free above all else.
Aug 11, 2018

Almost every character in this series is emotionally abusive in some way.

The mother is abusive in the sense that she neglects the protagonist, saddles him with responsibilities, and does not hold her older son accountable.

The teacher is abusive because she removes the protagonist's agency. She smothers him with what she thinks would be best for him, driving away and sabotaging his relationship with his best friend. She says she wants to take care of the protagonist and will let him go whenever he wants once he is safe, but her pattern of behavior betrays this for a lie. She will strive to make the protagonist reliant on her alone, turning the object of her obsession into her own possession. If you're into that, cool, I get how that could seem nice, but it is unhealthy.

The idol girl pushed the protagonist towards unhealthy coping mechanisms (is suicide a coping mechanism? Probably not, but whatever). I'd argue that her tryst with the protagonist was not super abusive but it was definitely not healthy and neither of them were the mature adults they needed to be to support one another through their depression.

Chako is the only female character we've seen that hasn't been abusive or unhealthy. The only ways she asserted control over the protagonist's life was telling him to not associate with the girl pushing him to suicide, which is objectively a good call that a friend would make. I suspect she is about to self-destruct now that her hopes of leaving town have gone up in smoke, but at this point she is a supporting friend.

Honorable mentions:

Gen is abusive for similar reasons to the teacher, since he wants to trap the protagonist in the town forever. I think he's a personification of the town in many ways, and his unhealthy relationship with the protag is emblematic of the grip the town itself has on him.

Author dude is abusive because of how he pushes the people around him into unhealthy and self destructive behaviors. The idol wanted to kill herself because of him, and it's already been shown that all he needed to do to get her on track was say "hey go do your work again". He clearly has some baggage with the mother. He also is leading on Chako, an underage teen girl, towards a sexual relationship, which is pretty fucked up.

Finally, the protagonist himself is a fuckhead, mostly due to the way he's been treating Chako. Man needed to come clean with his secrets to her, since it's clear she trusted him with hers. I get he doesn't want her to know he's slept around, but they're in a situation where secrets are causing problems.
Jul 26, 2020

Yea i agree all the characters are shitty but i think this a case of the better of all evils. I say the sensei and not chako because the sensei can guarantee him a better life holistically—getting him college , taking him away from the village, his toxic family and the mother is that classic push all their mistakes on their child and reiji trying to be an upstanding person for his family doesn’t know better. And all around change environment is what he needs and the sensei can support him financially and i would argue emotionally because what people tend to not understand with yanderes, is that they will do ANYTHING for who they love and maybe reiji could come around to her ( in the best case scenario).

Chako is a good person who wants to be with reiji, she is too young to know what is best for him and kinda just wants them to be together since she likes him which nothing is wrong with that. Not to mention she is still a teen and the sensei is more mature regardless of her yandere tendencies.

The mother is a just a milf for me tbh 😂, but the trauma reiji must feel from gen told him and what he saw, is down right disgusting and horrible and she literally has no reason to keep doing it and she makes reiji work hrder by lying that its a “night shift” , so i would say she is horrible person saying she would die with her kid which adds on to the fucked up ness.

What the MC needs is someone who can push him out of the abyss, “the boy’s abyss”—no one else but himself can do that but the teacher provides a foundation most people irl would never het the chance of. She would be like a wife to him in every word, good or bad if u take the yandere troupe as entirely negative.

So in my synopsis of the story so far—sensei = best girl....out of worst
Dex-chan lover
Nov 29, 2018
Chako guilt-tripping Reiji into having sex with him is not shitty? Her threatening to abandon him unless he have sex with her is not awful?

Ridiculous, utterly dellusional.
Feb 2, 2021
wow... man just wow i stayed up all night to go to sleep crying man this was hands down the best manga ive read it has a lot of potential especially cause he has to make a choice and end it off somehow but i think this'll end with him killing himself. Goodnight guys
Dex-chan lover
May 17, 2018
Yet more к и н о from Ryo-sensei. Mom and sensei still best girls even though their goals directly contradict each other's and only one will survive the Reijibowl.
Active member
Aug 15, 2020
Truck-kun is the only saving grace for these poor souls.
Seriously, all isekai trash has never been looked so wholesome and pure after reading this.
Isekai route when?
Jan 21, 2020
Curse this author. Fuck this manga. I've never experienced such emotional discord and anger from staring at my phone screen from binging this for 3 hours straight. I apologize to my eyes and brain for the fuckery I just let myself witness
Feb 1, 2020
Literally just read all of this shit in three hours and I can’t tell if I like it or if it’s toxic. Who knows. What I do know is that teacher is a psycho bitch.
Group Leader
Feb 12, 2018
Honestly I'm half expecting a Nice Boat at this point, it's so hard to believe that anyone here is getting a happy ending. Also Chacko best girl.
Mar 10, 2020
@DrPavel The sensei is absolutely not the lesser of all evils, shes just as bad if not worse than the others. She is in no way going to guarantee him a better life, her actions are literally textbook manipulator behavior, shes trying to get him to be completely dependent on her, and once shes literally providing everything for him, shes gonna guilt trip him/threaten him to control him. You have to be incredibly naive to believe she has any good intentions regarding him given what we've seen from her, its actually shocking.
And thats all while ignoring her ruining the girls life cuz she got jealous of her, and literally stalking the main character and showing up at his house, and the fact that shes doing all of this to bang a minor, as his fucking teacher for christ's sake. How is this the lesser of all evils haha

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