Breaking the Rules, and I Have to Do What?! (Official Colored) - Ch. 1

Sep 20, 2018
Stranger in your new apartment who tells you not to contact the landlord cuz this is totally legit, and he wants you to do whatever he says if you don't follow his list of rules. Even for manga, this is a lazy setup.
Active member
Apr 26, 2020
@venerablemonster haha agree, I know the author did that in order to move on onto the story but still feels kinda lacking. I mean, she can say something as well, why his rules are the only ones that matter and why he put all those that makes her to spend time with him, why is he so chill about having her with him and why he has all those rules in just one night?! She can maybe spend some days until she gets something better, it doesn't matter what she said before, it's not like she has no right to change her mind or she has to follow that agreedment since ofc, the only legal contract they have is with the landlord.

I feel super strong stalker vibes and idk, I'd be seriously freaked out, geez >n<

Edit: oh, btw, tnksm for the hardwork translating this!
Double-page supporter
Dec 23, 2019
He's not a stranger, he'sher childhood friend that she was fairly close with until highschool aparently. You're forgetting that like japan, korea is a dominance culture. He was there first, that makes him her sunbae (sempai) to he hoobae (kohai). Unless he actually tries to hurt/assault her she's got 5000 years of tradition telling her to follow his lead. And really, most of the rules he posted are just common sense for people who share living space, it doesn't take a lot to think them up. I admit, the whole "If you break a rule, you have to do what I say." Is a enough to give anyone pause.

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