By Spring - Vol. 3 Ch. 18 - You reap what you sow

Active member
Jan 14, 2020
welp, i sure as hell reaped what i sowed when i began this "MC suffering" manga
Nov 26, 2018
hmm,seems like rather than the money,his mom gave him that stare cause the teacher probably told her about the class rumor. Teacher is just being a pain in the ass. Mc should just say Haru is his girl to get Takasaki btfo.
Jun 8, 2020
Based on the last panel (so you're that person's child after all), i can say chances of Shigeo being Souta's biodad have increased hella lot.
And i think we're gonna have, if not a flashback chapter, a bigass flashback that explains Souta's conception next week.
Active member
Apr 7, 2020
If Fumi caves in to her own personal demons, which includes hatred for men, then Satou absolutely needs to be rescued by local agencies and given over to a place that will protect him and give him a healthy environment.
Double-page supporter
Sep 20, 2018
It's starting to get stupid. It's true that these things really happen but the type of aversion towards the protagonist is too exaggerated and two-dimensional. It's like hearing a story from the point of view of a paranoid
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
As dumb as this is, it's pretty close to real. Kids are dumb as mud. One one hand they badmouth him for being abysmally poor. On the other, they believe he can afford a prostitute. The one person who questions it is shot down. I feel like I'm watching mainstream media.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2018
I once read a comment that mentioned there's a term for stories like this: "tragedy porn"
The main character is just so pathetic and everyone around him is so terrible, it just barely holds a suspension of disbelief. But we keep reading because the suffering is so palpable we, as readers, become invested in seeing it through to the bright side at the end of the tunnel.

I'm dippin out on this chapter tho, ill come back when it's completed
Jun 8, 2020
@pants there's one thing that separates this from ACTUAL tragedy porn (Chi no Wadachi , Shounen no Abyss, Henshin Emergence, Kimi ni Aisarete Itakatta)... tragedy porn hasn't sickeningly fluffy and lit moments, neither full blown fluffy chapters (like chapters 13 to 16 in this case), but only relies in depression and pitch black humor. This is just a drama SoL love story, with emphasis on the drama part. Other manga similar to this in the drama sense can be Sakura Tsuushin, Musume no Tomodachi (this one seems to go the tragedy porn route though as of the latest chapters) and in a more toned down and "suitable for children" terms, the vintage "Ie naki ko" (Nobody's child) animu and some of the world masterpiece theater series (in the sense of having comfy chapters and then chapters when things go south, if not directly straight to hell for the main characters).

And MC is just a naive and victim to the circumstances kid, but not pathetic. If he was THAT pathetic, he wouldn't saved the main heroine from her would-be rapists, neither ditching the local bitch amidst of their date and follow his heart and just let the universe decide for his demise.

@HajimeteNHK it's not that two dimensional. Previous chapters already gave quite the depth and information about some characters' reasons to act like they do. Hence why these manga are labeled as seinen, bc you have to read twice or thrice and try to think to fully get the meaning.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 3, 2018
The fuck is wrong with the bitch who pushed him downstairs? who is she even?
Anyway... is it just me or does the mom looked kinda hot in this chapter?
Mar 6, 2019
Knowing that this manga seems to be generally more hopeful than your average dark slices of life, I wonder how the authors are going to Redeem Fumi and Yuri. Or at least put them in a position where Souta can at least tolerate there existence without fear or resentment.
Jun 8, 2020
@Arcverson Yuri's best friend from ch. 1
@Stardustphantom97 this. People overblowing the suffering parts and calling this "suffering/tragedy porn" is way too beyond me tbh. When i said this is just "1977 Homeless Kid Remi on steroids and aimed at seinen audiences" it's because the fluffiness balances the straight to hell drama moments. Damn, Haru's own character and more petty and superficial family issues already overweights the suffering Souta has to put up with. I saw other manga waaaaay more hopeless than this one.

If Osamu Dezaki was still alive, a possible anime adaptation of this would be his swan song before kicking the bucket, as this is something he would have done alongside Akio Sugino doing the character designs.

Going by your wonderings. Possibly teacher will take action and try to step in in Fumi's agency, trying to let her know not all men are assholes, and that she was just a victim to her own circumstances. About the Yuri part, she's beyond redemption, as she already had manipulative vibes since chapter 4 and what she did is a causality for prosecution (difamation and slander in Japan has more severe penalties than in other countries).
Dex-chan lover
Feb 1, 2020
Man when I see bullying shit like that it just makes me fucking furious. I took my fare share of niggas talking shit behind my back but It never got physical. I can't fathom how some people really just take it, especially from a bitch like that

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