she should have teach him about the importance of family love but I guess either way he'll still leave because of plot HAHA , but my dude is really a selfish for leaving his family like that. didn't he knew about the enlistment?? if he knew he wouldn't have left because his whole family will be executed. Poor selena >: I'm not really sure where this will go but I guess the comedy genre? i wish they stayed with the serious drama with action (or something like that) that'll be really cool. I've seen to many comedy ones, I really want something refreshing , but I've read a couple serious ones so I guess I'll be fine
edit: I've read a couple comments and a lot of people were mad with lil' bro, but did he know or did he not? I'm not really sure if I read a part in the chp that he knew, but if he did we'll I guess we can call him an *Asshole*. If he didn't we can't really blame him since he just followed his heart haha