Chainsaw Man

Fed-Kun's army
May 30, 2018
@BoBoFunKy The power to be a likeable person.

Also does anyone else think that chainsaw man is just firepunch but worse? like no real end goals, wild pacing, too many characters introduced at the same time, with them dying off far too quickly to actually get attached to them? Like the only times I cared when someone died was when
Aki and Power died
even himeno was killed off too quickly for me to care. I just came here thinking i'd get firepunch but better turns out it the copy could not surpass the original.

Kobeni best girl fite me
Dex-chan lover
Jul 28, 2018
I once thought that Fujimoto was gonna turn down the wildness of his ride after Fire Punch, I was hoping for something more fun and a bit cheerier. Turns out, it is! (sorta.) But it's also the kind of thing that'll give you momentary happiness then slam it on the ground, stomp on it, and spit on it a few chapters/pages later.
Aug 26, 2019
The mangaka needs an editor that forbids him to do the following:

1) Kill any character he introduces that has a name and appears for longer than 1 page.*
2) Have any form of tragedy appear immediately after a funny or happy moment.
3) Introduce surprise superpowers.
4) Introduce love interests that are secretly evil.

*unless they complete a full character arc over no less than 20 chapters and then have the death makes sense to the overall story.
Apr 19, 2019
When it started I was meh about it. Then I started to like it. And then after about chapter 25 it fucking went downhill for me. It picked up, seemed like Denji and Power were going to be happy. It seemed nice. And then it went to complete shit. And at chapter 86, it's still shit. This is Akame ga Kill levels of stupidity and crap.
Aug 20, 2019
idk why people so mad about the absence of plot armor for the characters...
Makes it exciting makes if funny makes it sad makes it even worse on my mental health 😃😃😃😃😃
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 24, 2019
people coming here with the expectation that this is some fairy tail shit amaze me
Active member
Jul 9, 2020
As much as I've enjoyed this wild, wild ride, I've gotta admit, this is probably one of my least favorite takes on a character who can outright control people.

Like, it's super fun to see smart plays, but here it's not even implied that there's any truly clever plays, instead it's just "oh yeah, I have a contract that gives me immunity." and "I can raise an army of people I kill.", like, that's fine, I guess... I dunno, it just doesn't make it a very compelling villain in terms of the build-up. I liked how they were built up as a character, but for the climax...? I dunno, I'm probably just saying this because I've been spoiled by other manga, books, videogames, etc, where similarly-roled characters are shown setting up their forces, or are also just humans/mortals with some power/superhuman charisma (as opposed to having the aforementioned psuedo-immortality).

It just feels a little lazy, I guess, just dropping these sorts of things on us without warning. Aside from that, again, I've had a blast in the past three hours it took me to binge up to this latest chapter.

Edit: I went to work. Through the terrible headache and the needlessly bright sun, I managed to figure out why I don't like the later parts, more specifically the antagonist/big bad.

So, first... why is she so powerful? She is the Devil of Domination, and it seems to focus on the sort of mental domination, and her character and goals revolve around a kind of authoritarian form of domination, control in a sort of dictator form. That's fine, but... is that really something people are more scared of than the possibility of a terrorist attack via explosives, the ever-present threat of being shot in an alleyway or something as primordial as the unknowable future or the very concept of the dark? I ...don't think so. And remember that Devils grow stronger the more people fear them. I can think of one easy way of making this work, and that's having her just be a liar. Have it be that Devils being fearful of Devils also power them up -this would explain why Chainsawman is so powerful, as being permanently erased from existence is something everyone can fear. But ...not Domination. It still wouldn't explain why she is so powerful, or so feared. In fact, being controlled by someone or something (like a government) else is actually something a fair few people like. More recent generations seem to lack direction in life and seem to want to be guided. It gives them an anchor, something reassuring, something to act where they feel unsure, something to choose when they doubt -hell, the main character is a perfect specimen of these sorts of people, going so far as to perfectly explain that exact mindset. Would she truly be so powerful when so many people would actually like her...?

Furthermore, her powers are easily beyond the scope of the concept of "Domination", going as far as killing people from a range by using random prisoners as ...proxy voodoo dolls(?), exploding Devils and Devilmen by pointing at them and apparently even resurrecting the dead (both humans and Devils/Devilmen). Furthermore, she can apparently use the Devils contracted by her slaves by proxy, even if they died? Wouldn't there be something in the contract that ends it upon death? Speaking of contracts, what the hell is that immortality contract she has set up? Some government man made a contract with her to give herself immortality...? What? Can you make a contract with a Devil to give them new powers? That kinda sounds like bullshit to me.

I liked her a lot when she was first introduced, she was enigmatic, cold, cunning and always in charge. I had assumed she was a human who had made a contract with something dealing with knowledge, perhaps a Devil related to the Future, or something revolving around paranoia birthed from being spied on -and that was how she always knew so much. When she is shown killing Snake Girl's goons using prisoners as some sort of medium for an attack, I changed my guess to "Fate". Lots of people are scared of the concept of being unable to change what will happen, and it would have been super cool if she had made her contract with Fate, allowing her to tamper with Fate, and perhaps see what it held in store before it came to be. Then we see her talking to the Master Devil Hunter, at which point I realized she was a Devil -due to her smiling upon him calling her a liar when she said she wanted to save more people (remember that all Devils hold some intrinsic sense of disdain towards humanity). Okay, well, then she's the incredibly powerful Devil herself! ...but then it ends up being Domination? Then why not make her be a puppet of the unseen Domination Devil, originally a Devil Hunter who had contracted with Domination (specific details could be worked out later, maybe she's a victim in the relationship, perhaps she actively wanted this, whatever)? It'd be funny, in a sense, considering the Puppet/Dark Devil's defeat at her hands, and here she was, a puppet being used as a fake body for the Devil.

I dunno, even still... I can't fully explain why I don't like her in these last few chapters. Apologies for the rant.
Fed-Kun's army
May 30, 2018
@rarelambo21 I don't think anyone came here expecting fairy tail plot armor, I think people came here expecting a story where characters aren't introduced just to be killed off an arc or two later even after being hyped up in their own arc. Like seriously at least give us time to connect to these characters before killing them off so readers can actually care like with
aki and power
instead of pulling the trigger on people like
arai, himeno, and those bureau guys that got shot during the assassin arc
because the more I see any of these characters die I just go "oh well" and move on I can't get invested in these fights if the author can't even get me to care enough that the people I'm supposed to be rooting for might die, especially since for some of them death is just a minor inconvenience and they can completely recover from a severed head if someone else turns them on or whatever. At this point I'm just here to see how it all ends.
Active member
Aug 31, 2020
This manga has its ups and downs. I think the author's habit of showing how cruel and unforgiving the price for demonic contracts is, is for lack of a better word, kind of fitting. Each of these characters are unhappy, unstable, unreliable and downright cannibalistic towards one another. There hasn't been a chapter where a named player hasn't
downright tried to or succeeded in slaying somebody else in some way, and many of them were main characters.

If you hopped on the train and saw
Denji get shredded in chapter one, and then saw Power full 180 turn on him later during the bat demon fight
and didn't think "wow these people will probably sell their parents" then I'm genuinely curious as to whether or not
you ever trusted Makima to be good for Denji in any way. Even in chapter one I was like "what do you mean, woof?"

As soon as you saw that demonic powers had
life threatening, real world, life altering costs
, you should have dipped if you were looking for anything less than life-altering consequences. Chainsaw man, first and foremost, is an absurd and raw story about devils, killing devils, and why devils are violent and terrible.
Denji losing his conscience, Makima using people, and Kobeni turning on denji during the apartment fight should have been huge red flags for you.

fan theory: Makima was using her power on Denji the whole time. Now we just get to see it in action on other people we know and recognize

Please, and this is a serious recommendation from somebody who has read and watched probably tens thousands of literary works from all spectrum of entertainment, develop a sense for mortality in any work you find yourself potentially involved in. The moment they kill a major character with no fanfare, if you have a weak stomach for emotional plot-lines, dip. Same goes for k-dramas and romance slice of life. If there's a third wheel and it looks like NTR, dip and check online if it was. There will be a shitstorm for these kinds of things by people less experienced than you.
Feb 7, 2020
Wait a minute......if nazis, nuclear weapon and second world war didnt exist.....then how come soviet and america is still the world power?
Mar 28, 2020
Few doubts about the story so far, which make the scenario rather fragile to me but maybe I've missed some elements :

How come we have no hints whatsoever on how Aki
turned out to be the gun devil fiend. No doubt this has to do with Makima, but it wasn't even slightly showed.

Why isn't there any further reference to the dog being the chainsaw devil ? The MC's form's supposed to be related to him fusing with the dog in the first episode, but then
we meet characters with similar traits (weapon face and arms) but no similar reason for them looking like that. Isn't that a bit too weird ?

Those two main elements, but others so far, make the manga less enjoyable than it could've been : the randomness, the unfairness and the absurdity are all fine and enjoyable, but those lack of consistancy makes the world imagined less sturdy, and thus reduces the strength of its randomness. It was already the case with fire punch (enjoyable absurdity and unfairness but lack of consistancy) but it seems to be even more flagrant in this one.
Fed-Kun's army
May 30, 2018
@Arutha45 for the first question I think it was mostly just
plot convenience
that turned aki into him as that does not seem like something that should be skipped over as it made the entire fight with denji later a bit confusing but it is easy to tell that
Aki was not the gun devil seeing as
the American president sacrificed a year off of every citizens life span to kill makima while aki and the angel were right next to her
and he only transformed after the devil was defeated.
Sep 27, 2019
@Arutha45 Fiends are human corpses that are being inhabited by a Devil;
Makima was the cause for Aki becoming the Gun Fiend since she wants to force Denji to end Aki's "life" (he's technically already dead by the time they fight tho).
Double-page supporter
Feb 24, 2020
about people saying chainsaw man's power came out of left field
i heard somewhere pochita roughly translates to "big eater" or "glutton" in spanish
any spanish speaking people here to confirm?
Aug 16, 2020
Yall can believe what you want and I know this manga going at like 300 mph right now but its also in the middle of an arc and will be better in hindsight. People complaining that the author killing off all his characters but
Chainsaw vs Gun devils
fight was really well executed and made
death feel justified. The only death I thought was premature was
but even then, her character wasn't just made to be killed off so I'm not that salty over it.

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