@darara @JavelinJoe
sky cant be gay in this scenario as hes a dude, always was a dude, and likes what is for all intents and purposes, a female. sure he knows budi used to be male, but he doesnt personally know budi, hes never met budi as a male, etc..
as for budi, if she falls for sky it would depend on one simple factor, would they at that point accept they are now a girl? if they still claim to be a dude they would be gay or bi, if however she accepts that shes now a female and lets go of her male past, shes straight
idk why this seemed to be confusing for you guys, its actually pretty simple logic
@darara i know you were joking, just had to point this out, mostly for Joe there who gave a complicated answer
@gda19 very complicated to explain, but essentially its been proven that sexuality has been linked to biological stuff, like, people arent just "gay" they are gay because of certain biological factors, such as hormones and genetics (its why a male taking transgender hormones (bunch of estrogen) they may lose attraction for females and gain some for males (it really just depends, but it can influence it))
therefore logically speaking, if some magic shit happens and your entire body, including your DNA changes to that of a female, its only logical that this would have an effect on ones sexuality, hence its not confusing for me to see people gender bend and start to like guys ... you know the saying: "the mind is influence by the body" and this is true in a lot of ways, how you look can affect your mood and mental state, hormones and genetics can affect mental health and so on and so forth