Chastity Reverse World - Vol. 2 Ch. 16 - Never Mind the Low-Profile Classmate

Jun 27, 2018
doujin guy spotted in chapter 14 as well

Active member
Jun 12, 2018
Finally more plot progress.. Can't wait for next chapter!!!
Double-page supporter
Apr 19, 2018

Consider what this guy does in the doujin, and he's at best a 5.

Reverse Ichikawa in our world? Ichikawa is a 10.


Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2018
? I was discussing the probability of something happening in the manga with you, why are you bringing up readers?


Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2018
every one of my posts to you was about the extremely high probability of urisugi being doujin MC. Your replies to me say you think there is a good chance urisugi isn't doujin MC. I'm getting tired of you taking back your words.

Also, I already mentioned this, but, technically nothing in manga is 'set in stone', there is also a chance author (the god of the the manga) can retcon, so describing something as 'not set in stone' is meaningless.


Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2018
That doesn't mean the author HAS to make it the same exact character. If that were the case, this series would already be sex-filled.
First of all, that's your number that you're pulling out of thin air. That's not a real probability, so don't act as though it is.
Second, that doesn't make it impossible, whatever the actual number may be (and it is almost certainly not 99.9999%)
If I were the author and wanted to make a joke, I would have a lot of buildup to this character being the MC of the doujin and then have a reveal like oh, turns out it was this very similar, even less noticeable guy from the same class that no one has ever even noticed.
In other words you're implying because this series isn't sex-filled, and doujin MC could be another guy in the class, there is good chance he isn't the exact same character.

I've already countered both points by saying:
1. this series isn't sex-filled because it's from a female MC's point of view.
2. world transfer is shown to be very rare, and none of the other background male characters resemble doujin MC nearly as much as Urisugi

But that goes against the points that I explained above. I don't know the probability. I can personally believe that it may be more likely or less likely, but I'm not going to assert a probability for the reasons I've already said.

You've already asserted that 'it is almost certainly not 99.9999%' (a number which I have described to mean the probability of urisugi not being doujin MC is extremely negligible), so you're strongly implying it's not a negligible probability.


Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2018
your entire argument for 'nothing is set in stone' is that 'author could' make Urisugi different from doujin MC. If you don't give a single tangible possibility for how that would work in the story, your argument is pointless because author could do anything: such as retcon established facts/foreshadowing that all point to Urisugi being doujin MC


Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2018
from wiki:
Retroactive continuity, or retcon for short,[1][2] is a literary device in which established facts in a fictional work are adjusted, ignored, or contradicted by a subsequently published work which breaks continuity with the former

Since you cling to only your singular argument that author could do anything (including retcon). it means you're calling this manga's setting/plot worthless, so I see no point in further discussion about this manga's plot with you. Good bye!


Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2018
there is a huge difference between plot twist, and asspull/retcon.

for example:

in Shingeki no kyojin, most readers didn't expect
those three to be titans.
that's a plot twist, but not an asspull because there are lots of early hints of it

or Assassination classroom, most readers didn't expect
a certain person to be a tentacle monster
, but there was more than one hint about it
Feb 11, 2018
What heavenly adventures will he endeavor, when he truly awakens to this new world? Be safe, Doujin-kun..


Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2018
1. you're contradicting yourself again:
first, you mention 'I don't mean just in this series. I mean that for any series'
then you mention 'There is no difference HERE' .
I think you should get someone to proofread your comments, because you're really not making any sense.

The author could do anything!
the literal only alternative to my position is saying that the author MUST do X
...this is just illogical, the alternative is the author should do within reason of the plot progression,
there are still lots of ways for the story to branch and defy readers' expectations, when only one point in the plot is obvious: urisugi being doujin MC

3. Plot twists follow the progression of a story even if many readers don't expect it ; whereas asspulls/retcons change/skip over previous story progression. The two examples I gave you are plot twists and they defied my expectations.

Since you're the one claiming author could make Urisugi a different person than doujin guy despite me giving you all the evidence in the story that Urisugi is doujin guy, you're saying author could do an asspull, which, while technically true, means you have no respect for this author's story.
Aggregator gang
Mar 11, 2018
Thank. God. I was getting bored of the FMC tbh. This plot setup is too juicy to not have typical shounen-kun in it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
fun fact : this chapter was released in 8/3 , to celebrate International Women's Day , lol .

page 14 : sensei is worrying about her male student , and is mad at the handsome doctor , so she is probably a shotacon , lol .

im too lazy to keep typing the following characters 's names , so i will refer to them as :

A : normal main girl Ichikawa , who is living in the reverse world now .

B : pervert main girl Ichikawa , who is living in the normal world now .

C : pervert urisugi , who is living in the reverse world now .

D : shy urisugi , who is living in the normal world now .

B has been living in the normal world for a few months , so she probably has been fuking all the boys in her class , including C .
C was probably the most frequent customer of B .

it would be funny if in the next chapters , they mistake the others for their counterparts :

C : Yo , Ichikawa , strip quickly and then have $ex with me , just like usual .

B : Yo , urisugi , strip quickly and then have $ex with me , just like usual .


Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2018
It is frustrating when you radically edit your post..
I sincerely apologize for that. I realized I accidentally forgot to address some of your points earlier so I edited before I saw your reply
No, this is not a contradiction. My statement is that a reader of a series should not treat as guaranteed things that are not guaranteed. That statement applies to all series, no matter what series the person is reading. When I said "There is no difference HERE", it means there is no difference for the purposes of this conversation, for this topic. You know how I literally already said that above? You know how you didn't read? No, you wouldn't know because you didn't read..
I've read your posts earlier, but you're being extremely vague with what "HERE' and what 'this conversation' means, because your 'statement is that a reader of a series should not treat as guaranteed things that are not guaranteed' is part of our 'conversation'.
Again, the statement is "a reader of a series should not treat as guaranteed things that are not guaranteed". That applies just as much to plot twists as to asspulls. So what if a plot twist follows the progression of a story? That is not a reason why what I said does not apply.
So you're saying all readers should be wary of ass-pulls all the time when reading a manga? most readers read manga and comment in forums like this one for enjoyment, not for deep analysis ,so you shouldn't force this view on other readers.
Your statement is also bad advice for readers who really care for writing consistency because you're literally asking them to suffer while reading ass-pulls instead of dropping the story for their own good.
Why does it matter that a plot twist follows the progression of the story when we're talking about reader expectations? Why? Give me a reason. is this not obvious? reader have different expectations depending on how the plot progresses. Are you saying readers should never make predictions based on the story at all? Most of us are try to have fun commenting here based on what we've read this chapter and what we predict for future chapters based on this chapter, are you purposely trying to ruin our fun?
And one REALISTIC possibility?What if the author wanted to make a joke? I said that in one of my first comments. It could be a completely different character, even less noticeable. And no, that is NOT an asspull. It would still flow from the story.
I've made my counter points several times, which you never replied to. You just kept insisting 'author could.'
I'll repeat this one last time for good measure: no other male in the class resembles doujin guy (appearance) unlike harisugi, world transfer is also shown to be very rare, so it's extremely unlikely for a 3rd guy in the class to experience that too.
You continuously ignore the simplest of things. Can you predict the future? That's literally the only way for you to be right in this case..
Of course the future isn't 100%, author could get a cerebral concussion from crashing into a truck in two days, he could then have partial amnesia and forgets what what he wanted to write next chapter, so he hurriedly writes harisugi as a different person than the doujin MC.
Are you happy in this scenario that proves future isn't 100%? or do you finally see how pointless it is to dwell on on a 100% future in writing when a 99%+ future is good enough?

I think I've made my points clear enough times, and I getting more confused of your intentions, so I'll stop replying to you for good.

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